Tagged: void

as long as the arbitrators & federal judges continue to ignore the law and deprive me of my constitutional rights under the color of law, i will continue to inform the world about the overall FRAUD that’s occurring in this case.

An impartial jury in the federal court should determine whether or not fraud has and is still occurring in my case. I will be filing my complaint in the next month or so. Justice will ultimately prevail.

“The records of the courts must be purged and the judgments in Universal’s favor both in this court and in the District Court, must be vacated and the suits by Universal must be finally dismissed. No principle is better settled than the maxim that he who comes into equity must come with clean hands and keep them clean throughout the course of the litigation, and that if he violates this rule, he must be denied all relief whatever the merits of his claim.”

Source: Root Refining Co. v. Universal Oil Products Co., 169 F.2d 514, 534–535 (C.C.A. 3d Cir. 1948).

it’s DECISION TIME! what choice will the Arbitrator make?

I created this flow chart (“Exhibit CC”) to outline the possible decisions the Arbitrator can make at this stage in the litigation and how I will respond depending on his decision.