Tagged: United States

“Bernie Sanders says he would not support reparations for African-Americans as president. ‘Its likelihood of getting through Congress is nil,’ he told Fusion in an interview. ‘Second of all, I think it would be very divisive.'”

Wait?!? Bernie thinks reparations are divisive but not global white supremacy (racism)?!?

I think Bernie by far is the best candidate to become the next President of the United States [due to the fact that majority of the candidates are pretty horrible], but his answer to this question — based on his knowledge of America’s history of white racism — shows that he’s not really serious about eradicating global white/”Jewish” supremacy and America’s racial caste system.

Basically, this means that no matter who is elected president this year, white racism is only going to worsen since the white elite and those in positions of power will continue to ignore the realities and effects of institutionalized white racism on people of African descent. Smdh.

Black people better wake up! You don’t have much time left!

P. Kevin Castel is presently the Chair of the Grievance Committee of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York – the committee handling lawyer discipline – but what does this impartial, non-racist and non-corrupt federal judge do when a pyramid of evidence detailing one of the most egregious crimes against humanity has been unveiled and brought to his attention? Absolutely nothing.