Tagged: underemployed

the Wall Street Journal reports that “[u]nemployment fell in every state and the nation’s capital last year—something that ha[s]n’t happened since 1984,” but makes absolutely no mention of the FACT that the LABOR PARTICIPATION RATE is at a 36-year LOW!!!!

These unemployment figures are not accurate and they know it, yet they keep misleading the American people into believing that our economy is IMPROVING! This is what you call FRAUD…and IRRESPONSIBLE JOURNALISM on the part of Josh Mitchell and the WSJ.

Source: Josh Mitchell. “For the First Time in 30 Years, Unemployment Fell in Every State in 2014.” Wall Street Journal. March 4, 2015. http://blogs.wsj.com/economics/2015/03/04/for-the-first-time-in-30-years-unemployment-fell-in-every-state-in-2014/; Compare with Ali Meyer. “Labor Force Participation Matches 36-Year Low; 92,898,000 Out of Labor Force.” CNS News. January 9, 2015. http://cnsnews.com/news/article/ali-meyer/labor-force-participation-matches-36-year-low-92898000-out-labor-force; See also, Allison Schrager. “Why Labor Force Participation Is Still So Low.” Bloomberg. January 19, 2015. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-01-19/why-labor-force-participation-is-still-so-low.

NUMBERS DO LIE! White House reports unemployment for African Americans has decreased 5 percent since March 2010 and now.

In August 2011, the unemployment rate for African Americans reached a 27 year peak at 16.7 percent. Although our country has been a Recession ever since, various entities within our government (e.g. the White House, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, etc.) continue to deceive the African American community, and public at large, by manipulating these statistics to create the illusion that things are actually getting better for this historically disadvantaged group.

Source: http://newsone.com/2832531/white-house-unemployment-report/.