Tagged: third world America

new york times falsely reports that U.S. unemployment at “4-year low,” as African American unemployment for teens skyrockets to 43.1 percent!

The U.S. unemployment rate fell to 7.7 percent in February, the Labor Department reported on Friday. That’s still rather high, but it’s nothing compared to what black teens are grappling with: an unemployment rate that grew to 43.1 percent.

That’s higher than when the recession ended. It’s also substantially higher than in November 2007, right before the recession started. Back then, the black teen unemployment rate — teen being defined as anyone between the ages of 16 and 19 years old — was 28.9 percent, according to Labor Department data.

(An alternative measure paints the same bleak picture: Just 15.6 percent of black teens had a job in February, down from 21.2 percent before the recession started, according to the Labor Department.)

For years, the black teen unemployment rate has been roughly double that of white teens. The overall teen unemployment rate was 25.1 percent in February, up from 16.2 percent right before the recession started.

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/08/black-teen-unemployment_n_2836816.html?utm_hp_ref=business and http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/09/business/economy/us-added-236000-jobs-in-february.html?hp&_r=0.

a question for any “objective person” throughout the universe: should this 90 year old, [racist] judge be disqualified and impeached from the bench?

Read this racist and corrupt judge’s opinion as he attempts to justify why Leonard Rowe’s — the victim of this overall conspiracy to interfere with the civil rights of African Americans — FRCP 60 Motion to have his case reopened was denied and why he possibly deserves to be SANCTIONED, while four of Rowe’s former attorneys and the Defendants that were caught engaging in “fraud upon the Court” have not (in his distorted and possibly senile mind) committed any wrongdoing. And we wonder how such a great nation could be headed down toilet?? If you really want to know, start paying attention to the behaviors of those in positions of power and authority (who are typically all White).