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“For the kind of people who create hashtags like #BoycottStarWarsVII, race is something that exists in other people, not in themselves. Whiteness is normal, blackness is an add-on, like racially diverse emoji. That whiteness has been treated for so long as a race-neutral default and not as its own cultural construction is what makes it possible for white performers like Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill to embody characters that stand in for larger ideas and ideals, without limitations imposed because of their race.”

Source: Teo Bugbee. “When Casting Racists Attack: From Idris Elba to ‘Star Wars,’ Why Idiots Prefer the Status Quo.” The Daily Beast. October 22, 2015. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/10/22/the-battle-for-star-wars-why-racist-nerds-are-turning-on-hollywood.html.