Tagged: Tavis Smiley

“[T]he data is going to indicate — I said this before and I’m not happy about this, I don’t celebrate this. I don’t say it as a way of demonizing the president or casting an aspersion on him – but the data is going to indicate that black people lost ground in every single leading economic category during the Obama years.” — Tavis Smiley

i could see the powers that be saying: “O, you can be president, but only under one condition: don’t think about helping black people.”

Source: http://live.huffingtonpost.com/r/segment/tavis-smiley-discusses-martin-luther-king-jr/540f57d202a760da9a000207.

where are the Af. American civil and human rights activists that genuinely care about eradicating institutional racism in America? do they exist anymore?

NAACP? Congressional Black Caucus? Al Sharpton? Jesse Jackson? Cornel West? African American attorneys, journalists, etc.? Anybody out there? Smh.