Tagged: stupid as fuck

Since the allegedly “IMPARTIAL” and “INDEPENDENT” three-member panel consisted of two individuals of African descent, they were in the best position to explain to me why ALL of my legal arguments, especially my Title VII claims, were not sufficient or “arguable” as a matter of law, especially since the only lawfully appointed arbitrator – David L. Gregory of the American Arbitration Association – concluded that “William Morris Endeavor Entertainment LLC discriminated against [me] in violation of pertinent federal, state, and local law prohibiting discrimination in employment on the basis of race” and awarded me the full gamut of monetary damages, including punitive damages and pro se attorneys fees.

As token minorities in America’s historically all-white judicial system, anyone who thought that those two [Laura Taylor Swain of the Southern District of New York and Raymond J. Lohier, appointed by Clinton and Obama respectively] had enough power to reverse the decision of Republican appointed federal judge P. Kevin Castel and say that William Morris’ 117 year pattern and continuing practice of excluding qualified African Americans from meaningful positions of employment violated the Civil Rights Act of 1964 & New York City Human Rights Law, that Arbitrator Gregory issued a “final” decision regarding the issue of arbitrability and liability and thus his Partial Final Award was reviewable by Castel, that Gregory’s disqualification by the AAA violated due process or that Loeb & Loeb LLP and Michael P. Zweig have engaged in a “pattern” of “fraud upon the Court” to prevent civil rights cases against William Morris from reaching an impartial jury in New York City, must be dumb or STUPID AS FUCK. 😩😂😩😂😆