Tagged: Special Hagan

“A black official in the [Michael] Bloomberg administration, who claimed she was fired in retaliation for investigating and complaining about cronyism by white officials, has settled her case against New York City for $225,000. Special Hagan was hired as senior director of equal employment opportunity in the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications in August 2010. In her pro se complaint filed in the Southern District, she alleged that Carole Post, the department’s commissioner, discriminated against her on the basis of her race, primarily by maintaining an environment of cronyism that resulted in preferential treatment for white patronage appointees.”

This is great news to wake up to: An African American pro se plaintiff [in the Southern District of New York] who prevailed in a racial discrimination lawsuit against her former employer!! Pretty stupid to retaliate against someone who is trying to help you comply with the Civil Rights Act of 1964!!! Congrats Special!!!!!

Source: Ben Bedell. “New York City To Pay $225K To Settle Discrimination Suit.” Law.com. September 8, 2015. http://www.law.com/sites/articles/2015/09/08/new-york-city-to-pay-225k-to-settle-discrimination-suit/#ixzz3lFFCdFx5.