Tagged: shitty investigation

“The parents of Kendrick Johnson, the Georgia teenager whose lifeless body was mysteriously found rolled up in a wrestling mat at his high school two years ago, have filed a $100 million lawsuit against 38 people —including local, state and federal law enforcement officials and three classmates. Kendrick, 17, a member of the wrestling team at Lowndes High School in Valdosta, in southern Georgia, was found upside down in the rolled-up mat on Jan. 11, 2013, when other students climbed on a 6-foot-tall stack of the stored mats.”

Yes!!! When I first wrote about Kendrick’ story on my blog, I said that I hoped his family sued everyone involved in the conspiracy to cover up the truth about Kendrick’s murder. [The police originally concluded to KENDRICK’S PARENTS and the public that Kendrick rolled himself up into a mat at his high school’s gym after beating himself up to the point that his face looked like Emmett Till and killed himself!!!! It was a suicide. SMDH!!!!!!! Do they think they think that we do not possess COMMON SENSE as well???!!! Very disturbing shit. It’s time to get out of this racist and fucked up country and go back HOME after we collect the TRILLIONS they OWE US! #reparations] I hope the family’s complaint includes claims under the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 because we all know Kendrick didn’t kill himself and the police and others engaged in a race-based conspiracy to conceal the truth about Kendrick’s death!!! I hope they go after those two brothers and their FBI father during discovery. All involved need to be FIRED from their positions and/or should ROT IN JAIL!!

Source: M. Alex Johnson. “Parents File $100 Million Suit in Gym-Mat Death of Georgia Teen Kendrick Johnson.” NBC News. January 15, 2015. http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/parents-file-100-million-suit-gym-mat-death-georgia-teen-n287076.