Tagged: Russell Simmons

“Simmons was critical of the lack of diversity in most Hollywood talent agencies, noting that he recently moved from CAA to WME. ‘I didn’t realize they’re all the same,’ he said, adding that both agencies seem to have ‘the one black agent.'”

Uh oh! Uncle Russ exposed WME and the other talent agencies for their lack of diversity in the workplace as well??!!???!! Very few are bold enough to do that because very few like to “bite the hand that feeds them.” I know Ari and the powers that be aren’t going to like hearing about this story, but it’s the TRUTH and they know it.

The only reason why African Americans CONTINUE to be underrepresented in meaningful positions throughout these extremely influential companies, is due to the fact that like America, this industry was founded on racism and 50 years after the passage of Title VII, they have never been forced to eradicate racism at the institutional and organizational level. The racial makeup of ICM, UTA and the other agencies are no different because they are all engaging in a race-based conspiracy to exclude African Americans in order to keep their monopolistic power over Hollywood and the marketplace of ideas. Yet, they are quick to publicly proclaim that they are not violating the law, although it is blatantly clear that their employment practices, policies and procedures are creating a disparate impact against qualified African Americans from being hired and/or promoted to Agent.

What’s the solution to this HISTORICAL problem if the federal courts refuse to old these companies accountable for their unlawful violations of our nation’s human rights and antitrust laws?

Source: Cynthia Littleton. “Russell Simmons Blasts Hollywood’s Racial ‘Segregation.'” Variety. January 22, 2015. http://a.msn.com/0C/en-us/AA8rW1f.