Tagged: Richard Nixon

“The 69-year-old former television personality sat with Bill O’Reilly Tuesday night (September 8) to discuss the migrant crisis in Europe along with Kim Davis, a county clerk who refused to issue licenses for same-sex marriages in Kentucky. After giving his two cents on both those current affairs, Trump and O’Reilly turned their attention to the Black Lives Matter movement. Trump, who’s campaign slogan is “Make America Great Again” said he thinks BLM is a group of agitators more so than a movement of organizers working towards equality. ‘I think they’re trouble. I think they’re looking for trouble,’ Trump said. O’Reilly pushed his question further and asked Trump what he thinks the group actually wants, to which Trump countered with the “All Lives Matter” agenda and alluded to some of the movements protestors being hateful. ‘I’ve looked at a couple of the people that were interviewed from the group. I saw them with hate coming down the street last week talking about cops and police and what should be done to them, and that was not good. I think it’s a disgrace that they’re getting away with it.'”


More or less, Trump is telling us he doesn’t give a fuck about the lives of black people and the genocide that is taking place in our communities. Therefore, we should return the favor by going out en masse during the primaries to make sure this tool does not become the forerunner for the Republican party. During the primaries, we should vote for one of the Republican candidates who is not a top contender because if Trump or any of the top contenders from the Republican party get elected as the  45th President of the U.S. next year, then African Americans are doomed. I keep saying this, but African Americans must demand reparations! That is one of the ONLY ways global white supremacy (racism) will be eradicated.

Source: Shenequa Golding. VIBE. “Donald Trump Believes The Black Lives Matter Movement Is ‘Looking For Trouble.'” http://www.vibe.com/2015/09/donald-trump-black-lives-matter-movement/.

“In his diary, [Richard] Nixon’s chief of staff, Bob Haldeman, described the operational blueprint for a new electoral landscape built on bigotry. ‘You have to face the fact that the whole problem [in AmeriKKKa] is really the blacks,’ Nixon told him. ‘The key is to devise a system that recognizes that while not appearing to.'”

Source: Gary Younge. “What Race Has To Do With It.” The Nation. October 3, 2012. http://www.thenation.com/article/170337/what-race-has-do-it.