Tagged: racketeering

the RACIST & DISHONORABLE federal judge in Leonard Rowe’s case — Robert P. Patterson — has passed away!!! đŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ˜±

I’m in disbelief right now. My only run in with Patterson was at the conference that took place on January 24, 2014 [see transcript below].

As you can see, Leonard ripped Patterson a new one and Patterson could do nothing about it, because he knew Leonard was telling the truth. Smdh.

After the conference ended, I told him that fraud had been perpetrated upon the Court and that he knew “Exhibit 31” was authentic, or else Arbitrator David L. Gregory wouldn’t have admitted the document into the evidence of record in my case.

My only regret is that Patterson wasn’t impeached before he passed. May his racist soul rot in hell.

“A little more than a month after publicly rekindling merger talks that stalled in late 2013, Dentons and McKenna Long & Aldridge have agreed to combine operations…The tie-up is the second time in 90 days that Dentons has agreed to major merger — the firm announced earlier this year its transformative combination with China’s Dacheng — something that the global legal giant’s CEO Elliott Portnoy told The Am Law Daily in a phone call was a first for an Am Law 100 firm…The firm’s latest deal with McKenna Long will create the world’s third-largest government affairs firm, says [Dentons global chairman Joseph] Andrew, noting that Dentons will also have a ‘large, diverse corporate group.'”

Would this merger and all others have been allowed to happen if Dentons (formerly Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal LLP) and its attorneys were held fully responsible for the highly unethical and criminal conduct they engaged in Rowe Entertainment v. William Morris Agency et al. (98-8272)??? Would SNR have even existed to be able to merge with Dentons if federal judge Robert P. Patterson had not been involved in the conspiracy himself? And if so, who would want to be associated with this corrupt law firm if the truth was known that their lawyers conspired with opposing counsel to withhold and conceal smoking gun evidence from their OWN CLIENTS in an extremely important civil rights & antitrust case and have lied for more than a decade that “no derogatory terms” were discovered in the $200,000.00 e-discovery search of WMA and CAA’s 1998-1999 hard drives [paid for by the black concert promoters] although SNR faxed the search result list to the Willie Gary Firm on October 15, 2002 before they withdrew from the case…

“Exhibit 31”:

To this day, the underlying e-mails to this document have NOT been produced although Loeb & Loeb LLP has gotten both racial discrimination cases against William Morris dismissed without being decided by an impartial jury,

Source: Brian Baxter. “Dentons, McKenna Long  Reach Merger Deal.” The American Lawyer. April 8, 2015.

Leonard Rowe prepares to take legal action against former attorney Willie Gary, also known as “The Client Killer,” and the Gary Law Firm!!!


In preparation for their lawsuit against Willie Gary and the Gary Law Firm, Leonard Rowe and his new legal team have created a website detailing Gary and his firm’s extensive history of legal malpractice and defrauding their clients, particularly in employment discrimination and civil rights related cases. Smdh. Also named in the suit is Bill Campbell — the former MAYOR OF ATLANTA and attorney who submitted “Exhibit 31” in the Plaintiffs’ Opposition to Summary Judgment!!! Go to http://www.theclientkiller.org to check out the site and learn more about why Rowe is now going after Willie Gary. Things about to get very interesting…

“Issues of race have long bedeviled Hollywood, which has been criticized for not giving minorities enough opportunities for work, and for not doing enough to represent African Americans, Latinos and others in films and television shows. Darnell Hunt, a sociology professor at UCLA, said he was not surprised by the nature of the emails. ‘This is where we are in Hollywood,’ said Hunt, who is director of the Ralph J. Bunche Center for African American Studies, which produces the annual Hollywood Diversity Report. ‘We have a diversity problem 
 the fact that you can have these perceptions that are made jokingly give us a peek into the underlying culture of the industry.'”

Everyone wants to write about Sony’s hacked e-mails, but the media doesn’t want to discuss the fact that William Morris, Creative Artists Agency, their attorneys and counsel for the plaintiffs in Rowe Entertainment v. William Morris Agency et al. (98-8287) concealed smoking gun evidence showing Agents and other employees from two of Hollywood’s biggest talent agencies referring to African Americans as “nigger,” “nigga,” “coon,” “Uncle Tom” and “monkey” hundreds of times in incoming and outgoing e-mails.

Above is the document Leonard Rowe found on his attorney’s desk, now known as “Exhibit 31.” What makes the actions of Rowe’s attorneys so unethical, is that the class of black concert promoters paid $200,000.00 for this search and were told by their own white attorneys that “no derogatory terms” were found. Clearly the plaintiffs in Rowe were defrauded because this document is authentic. If not, Arbitrator David L. Gregory would have never admitted this document into the evidence of record in my case when the federal judge in Rowe — Robert P. Patterson — refused to do so eight years earlier. Twelve years after the search was conducted, the underlying e-mails have never been produced.

Source: Daniel Miller. Future of Sony’s Amy Pascal Questioned After Hacked Email Revelations.” Los Angeles Times. December 11, 2014. http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/envelope/cotown/la-et-ct-sony-amy-pascal-apologizes-20141212-story.html.

“In her seminal work on lying, Sissela Bok outlines the reasons for what she argues is the ‘centrality of truthfulness’ in human societies. Those reasons include both a fear of the coercive power of deception as well as the need for a ‘minimal degree of trust’ for language and action to have any meaning. Without the ability to distinguish and rely on truth, members of a society could no longer make judgments about reality. Such a society, according to Bok, would collapse.”

Source: Julia Simon-Kerr. “Systemic Lying.” pg. 39. September 27, 2014.

on August 20, 2013, this liar from the AAA stated i had 7 days to respond to William Morris’ request to have the Arbitrator removed because they believe he is now “physically and/or mentally impaired,” pursuant to rules of a committee i’d never heard of before. i then READ the rules and it stated that the Arbitrator had to provide a “supplemental disclosure to the parties regarding the new potential conflict” BEFORE i could file a response. on day 6, she just admitted that i was correct and they just reached out to the Arbitrator to provide his “supplemental disclosure.”

Smh. This is the kind of bullshit I’ve been dealing with for the last three years to harmfully delay a judgment in my favor. It is glaringly obvious that William Morris has and is currently violating the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Sherman Act, Ku Klux Klan Act and additional laws.

petition for rehearing submitted! disciplinary and $100M monetary sanctions sought against Michael Zweig, Christian Carbone, Loeb & Leob LLP and William Morris Endeavor Ent. for “fraud upon the Court”

I’ll upload the petition in the next few days, but in the meantime, here are some pictures of me preparing to submit my pleading to the Second Circuit for what I hope is one of the last times in my life! No matters what happens, I’m proud of myself for not quitting and fighting for what I believe is right — all the way to the end.