Tagged: predominately all white law firm

“Whether one goes to conferences or looks at the makeup of the panels from which mediators or arbitrators are chosen, it’s clear the field needs to do more to bring in women and minorities, said Sasha Carbone, associate general counsel and vice president at American Arbitration Association, where women and minorities comprise 22 percent of AAA’s panel of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) professionals.”


The New York Law Journal just did a story about the American Arbitration Association and its efforts to diversify and look who I saw receiving all of this shine and praise! Loeb & Loeb LLP attorney Christian Carbone’s wife: Sasha Angelique Carbone.

The fact that the AAA had to put a diversity program in place in 2009, should be telling, but as I’ve stated before, true diversity is bigger than having people of color employed in the workplace — especially when those people of color work for historically all-white institutions. No matter the individual’s race, what’s really important, especially in the legal profession, are intangible traits like a person’s character, integrity, morals and ethics. When you start to pay close attention to the people of color that are hired and promoted, most people of color are ideologically similar to the Sasha Carbones and Timothy K. Lewises (e.g., brainwshed Negropeans who are typically Ivy League educated, work for institutions that have historically been over-represented by whites due to racial discrimination, etc.)

I always knew that Sasha served as “general counsel” for the AAA, but I learned while reading the article that Sasha is ALSO a VICE-PRESIDENT for the company!! Her husband is currently representing William Morris in my case and never disclosed this information to me at anytime during my case. After I confronted him after learning of this information a year ago, he has chosen to remain silent. Loeb & Loeb LLP and the AAA being in bed together creates a strong conflict of interest and begins to shed light as to why the AAA continued to ignore my claims of fraud against Loeb & Loeb LLP and why they would unlawfully disqualify Arbitrator Gregory after he issued a decision unfavorable to Sasha’s husband by concluding in his Partial Final Award that William Morris discriminated against me and violated “pertinent federal, state, and local law prohibiting discrimination in employment on the basis of race.”

Based on the highly unethical and criminal actions of the American Arbitration Association and its employees in my case, the AAA has zero integrity or credibility and should never be allowed to profit from any case involving civil rights disputes. It’s imperative that Congress pass the Arbitration Fairness Act to prevent historically racist arbitral forums like the AAA from deciding cases involving any federal statute pertaining to civil rights.

Source: Len Maniance. “Diversity Initiative Honorees 2015: American Arbitration Association.” New York Law Journal. March 30, 2015. http://www.newyorklawjournal.com/id=1202721481204

i received the last of “Judge” Timothy K. Lewis’ invoices a few days ago. William Morris will pay him and his law firm, Schnader LLP, more than $115,000.00 for five months of engaging in fraud, intentionally violating the Federal Arbitration Act and depriving me of my statutory & constitutional rights under the color of law. smdh!

Lewis needs to be disbarred immediately and locked up, along with the rest of ’em!

Source: http://www.schnader.com/.