Tagged: permanent restraining order

stuck in traffic.


What a crazy morning!! Earlier today, the hearing regarding the Defendants’ request for a permanent restraining order against Leonard Rowe and his “agents, servants, employees, attorneys and other persons in active concert and participation with Mr. Rowe” took place at Judge Robert P. Patterson’s Courthouse at the Southern District of New York. Of course,  on our way there, we got stuck in traffic, and once we got there, we had to wait in the court’s long ass line, so we were about 20 minutes late. Without going into much detail, let’s just say I couldn’t be more disgusted with our judicial system and the way it operates. Leonard Rowe was not present, but to see the law firm that once represented Rowe and the firm that it conspired with to conceal smoking gun evidence sitting on the same side, acting in complete and total concert with one another, just shows how much corruption has taken place in Rowe’s case. Although the Respondents wanted this PRO to apply to me, Patterson said that it didn’t. There were lots of awkward moments of silence and the entire proceeding seemed questionable. Even Patterson seemed perturbed with himself by the amount of fraud he has allowed to occur in this case, but in the end, he granted the PRO to cease Rowe from taking any further action relating to this case.


Thanks IB & Devon for coming with and supporting me! All the blacks (the three of us) were sitting on one side of the courtroom and all whites were on the other. Lmao! As much things change, they stay the same. Smh.