Tagged: Oprah Winfrey

“…Pope Francis has invited several of Hollywood’s most influential people – many of them Jews – to discuss the image of the Church in Western media according to The Hollywood Reporter. Reps of the Pope approached the two CEOs of William Morris Endeavor, an entertainment and media agency, to arrange a meeting at the Vatican this fall. Ari Emanuel and Patrick Witesell, both Jewish, will hopefully brainstorm with the Pontiff about ways to improve the Church’s portrayal in the entertainment industry.”


If the Pope isn’t pleased with the way Hollywood — an industry controlled and historically over-represented by “Jews” of EurAsian descent — depicts Christians, then people of African descent — a group that has historically been excluded from Agent and other decisionmaking positions in Hollywood — have every right to outraged with the way Hollywood uses powerful communicative mediums such as television, film & the media to perpetuate the myth of black inferiority onto the collective conscience of American society & the world.

Source: Rachel X. Landes. “Pope Francis Invites Hollywood Jews To The Vatican.” Forward. August 6, 2015. http://forward.com/the-assimilator/318677/jews-in-the-vatican/; Image from The Hollywood Reporter.

oh NO! OPRAH WINFREY signs with WME!!


WME has landed Oprah Winfrey. About a month after exiting her longtime agency CAA, WME’s Ari Emanuel has signed the OWN CEO, The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed.

Both agencies are essentially the same. With an empire worth more than a billion, why didn’t she decide to remain self-sufficient or start her own agency instead of continuing to give these racist institutions a percentage of her profits? They aren’t going to do any more for her, than she can already do for herself at this stage in her career.

Although popular Negro leaders are now emerging, most of them are still selected by white leadership, elevated to positions, supplied with resources and inevitably subjected to white control. The masses of Negros are suspicious toward this manufactured leader. We have to create leaders that have virtues that we can respect, who have moral and ethical principles that we can applaud. — Dr. Martin Luther King Jr

Source: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/oprah-winfrey-signs-wme-415137.