Tagged: Obama administration

Yesterday, Attorney General Eric Holder gave a commencement speech at Morgan State University commemorating the 60th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education. The Washington Post stated that he “warned that recent public episodes of racial bigotry should not obscure the greater damage done by more systemic forms of prejudice and discrimination.” Holder stated during the speech, “The greatest threats are more subtle. They cut deeper. And their terrible impact endures long after the headlines have faded and obvious, ignorant expressions of hatred have been marginalized.”

Leonard Rowe and I have both asked our respective judges/arbitrators to refer this matter to the U.S. Attorney General, Mr. Eric Holder, but they refuse! Clearly, Holder “gets it.”

Source: http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/holder-confronting-issue-of-race-once-more-says-subtle-threats-to-equality-cut-deeper/2014/05/17/66e63482-dd57-11e3-b745-87d39690c5c0_story.html.