Tagged: narrowly defined interest group

“Although the U.S. Supreme Court is the most diverse it has ever been – three of the nine justices are women and two are minorities – the elite bar that comes before it is strikingly homogeneous: Of the 66 top lawyers, 63 are white. Only eight are women.”


Of course, zero [or one  if you count the man on the last row, second from the right] out of the 75 “elite” lawyers identified by Reuters as having the most “success of getting cases before the high court,” are African American. And of course, it is the group that benefits the most from America’s white supremacist system, that are quick to downplay the role of race and/or say to African Americans and other people of color that race/racism doesn’t matter/exist. Sdmh! Houston, we clearly have a problem!!

Source: Jan Biskupic, Janet Roberts and John Shiffman. “At America’s Court of Last Resort, A Handful of Lawyers Now Dominates the Docket.” Reuters. December 8, 2014. http://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/scotus/.

Hollywood was “invented” and is still dominated by a narrowly defined group of people who falsely proclaim to the world to be “God’s chosen people.” Every major talent agency (e.g. Creative Artists Agency, International Creative Management, United Talent Agency, etc.) is structured like and has a similar racial makeup to William Morris. Not only are the talent agencies maintaining discriminatory employment practices, but it’s also the studios, the networks, the media, production companies, advertising, etc. – companies that play an influential role in shaping the collective consciousness of society.