Tagged: Michael Beck

“Any attorney…admitted to conduct cases in any court of the United States or any Territory thereof who so multiplies the proceedings in any case unreasonably and vexatiously may be required by the court to satisfy personally the excess costs, expenses, and attorneys’ fees reasonably incurred because of such conduct.”

Source: 28 U.S.C. § 1927.

putting things in perspective: i was in middle school the year Leonard Rowe and the black concert promoters filed their civil rights and antitrust lawsuit against the William Morris Agency, Creative Artists Agency and others involved in the concert promotion industry….

I didn’t really learn about Leonard Rowe or the details of his case, until I discovered this CNN article [http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-724105] in January 2012 — nearly two years after graduating with my Masters in Music Business & Entertainment Industries from the University of Miami. At that time, I was working on my third appeal to the Second Circuit, which sought to have Republican appointed federal judge P. Kevin Castel’s erroneous Order which upheld William Morris’ procedurally and substantively unconscionable arbitration agreements and sought the judges’ (including Magistrate Judge James C.Francis IV who was also the Magistrate Judge in Rowe) disqualification due to the appearance and/or actual existence of bias, prejudice and/or impropriety in violation of 28 U.S.C. § 455 [http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/28/455].

Imagine how I felt after reading this, given that I had already argued and presented a pyramid of evidence in all of my pleadings showing that despite William Morris’ repeated denials throughout history, they were in fact a racist Hollywood institution that had been and still is engaging in a century-plus pattern and continuing practice of discrimination against African Americans — a problem that was clearly not limited to employment. What made things even more shocking, was that 10 years after engaging in a conspiracy to conceal smoking gun evidence showing WMA and CAA employees referring to African Americans as “nigger,” “nigga,” “coon,” etc. in their outgoing and/or incoming e-mails, I was litigating my case against the same attorney and law firm: Michael P. Zweig of Loeb & Loeb LLP.

In my fist appeal filed with the Second Circuit in September 2011, I argued that based on the fact that Castel “ignored my arguments, omitted pertinent facts and misapplied the law,” there must have been some type of collusion taking place between him and opposing counsel.  The fact that Castel has not made opposing counsel respond to my Fraud Upon the Court Motion that was filed in March 2014 “speaks volumes” and further supports that they are all conspiring with one another to deprive me of my constitutional and statutory rights under the color of law and interfere with the human rights of people of African descent, in violation of the Ku Klux Klan of 1871, 42. U.S.C. § 1985.

As I have always argued, in one way or another: In order to effectuate the public policy goals of Civil Rights Act of 1964 (and additional anti-discrimination statutes such as the New York City Human Rights Law), arbitration is an inappropriate forum to resolve this particular case and the merits of my case should have been decided by an impartial jury reflecting the rich diversity of New York City. The fraudulent actions of the American Arbitration Association and its incompetent staff confirm this fact. Now that the Southern District of New York has jurisdiction over this case, default judgment should be granted on all claims against William Morris, Jeff Meade and Sarah Van Hoven. Even though I can and have proved the merits of all of my claims as a matter of law, default judgment should also be granted as a sanction against Michael P. Zweig and Loeb & Loeb LLP for intentionally engaging in a “pattern” of highly unethical and criminal conduct on William Morris’ behalf, in violation of New York Judiciary Law § 487 and numerous Rules under the New York Rules of Professional Conduct.

i just realized that July 20th marked the third year since Republican appointed federal judge Robert P. Patterson issued his deceptive and erroneous Order compelling my case against William Morris Endeavor Entertainment into arbitration…

Christian Carbone of Loeb & Loeb LLP never disclosed to myself or the Southern District of New York when he entered into the case after Michael P. Zweig, that he was married to an executive at the American Arbitration Association named Sasha Angelique Carbone. Is that ethical? Does that create an appearance of impropriety and show collusion between Loeb & Loeb LLP and the AAA, especially when the AAA publicly purports to be “neutral”? Also keep in mind that the person — Timothy K. Lewis — who dismissed my case with “prejudice and on  the merits” after the original arbitrator, David L. Gregory, was fraudulently disqualified by the AAA after he concluded that William Morris discriminated against me because of my race, worked with Christian’s wife on the AAA’s…..wait for it…..DIVERSITY COMMITTEE!! Lmao. What a joke! And what does that say about federal judge Castel, when this argument, and many others demonstrating Loeb & Loeb LLP and Michael P. Zweig’s “pattern” of highly unethical and criminal conduct on behalf of William Morris, are presented in both my Fraud Upon the Court Motion and Motion for Reconsideration, and he tells ME, to continue arbitrating in “good faith” and that my requests for an oral hearing are “moot”?!?! They have all conspired to deprive me of my rights under the color of law and are engaging in fraud. For many reasons, it is clear that arbitration was NEVER an appropriate forum for this particular employment discrimination & human rights case and that the mandatory, pre-dispute arbitration agreements I signed as a condition of employment at William Morris should have not been deemed enforceable as both a matter of flaw and public policy by ANY finder of fact based on the arguments that were raised by both parties. This is why all the finders of fact that I have dealt with over the last three and a half years — P. Kevin Castel, Denny Chin, Gerard E. Lynch, Peter W. Hall, Arbitrator David L. Gregory and [Timothy K. Lewis] — have either avoided my arguments in opposition to arbitrating this case like the plague, enforced the agreement without any supporting case law or falsely claimed they did not have jurisdiction to  hear my claims. Smh. This is an egregious  violation of my constitutional, statutory and unalienable rights and they will not get away with what they have done to not only myself, but people of African descent and all of hue-manity.

the only way you can beat me — a non-attorney, pro se litigant — in this case is by engaging in FRAUD. lmao!

If my claims were “wholly without merit, legally and factually,” why have William Morris, Loeb & Loeb LLP, the federal court and the AAA engaged in so much fraud to deprive me (and other African Americans) of my rights under the color of law? Isn’t that sad?! Actually, it’s quite pitiful!

One day, people are going to study this case in law school….

I don’t think some people “get it.” lol.

so basically….if he rules against me after admitting “Exhibit 31” into the record, the e-mails must be produced.