Tagged: MGM

the connection between loeb & loeb llp and hollywood.

After nearly two years of litigating this case, I randomly decided at 4 AM to research the history of Loeb & Loeb LLP — law firm representing William Morris. I immediately found a valuable bit of information. In the first paragraph detailing the firm’s history, their website states:

Loeb & Loeb was established in 1909. Founders Edwin and Joseph Loeb played a major role in the development of the City of Los Angeles in the early 1900s, helping to establish such institutions as the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and Union Bank of California. In 1986, Loeb & Loeb merged with Hess Segal, a New York firm of comparable quality and vintage.

If the William Morris Agency was the first talent agency in the world and is credited with creating “Hollywood”, Mr. Zelman Moses (aka William Morris) clearly did business or knew Edwin or Joseph. And the Loebs’ relationship with our judicial system spans 103 years so by the time Leonard Rowe filed his racial discrimination case in 1998 with the Southern District of New York, the court was already in the firm’s back pocket. For 14 years, attorney Michael P. Zweig (http://www.loeb.com/michael_zweig/) and his coconspirators have been paid handsomely to assure that, but those days are now numbered.  As God continues to reveal clues, this “conspiracy” makes more and more sense…

I wonder what the racial makeup is like at  Loeb & Loeb LLP, the Southern District of New York, Creative Artists Agency, MGM, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, etc. Let me make an educated guess: the same as William Morris Endeavor Entertainment! This would be a great place for the EEOC to direct it’s E-RACE Initiative — an alleged effort to combat employment practices which create a systemic disparate treatment against federally protected groups in the U.S. workplace. (http://www.eeoc.gov/eeoc/initiatives/e-race/index.cfm)

Source: http://www.loeb.com/firm/history/