Tagged: lawsuit

earlier this year, Geraldo Rivera won a lawsuit filed against him by “sleazy Hollywood agenc[y]” William Morris Endeavor Entertainment.

Louis Vuitton joins Barneys, Macy’s and Alexander McQueen as latest high-end fashion brand being sued for RACIAL DISCRIMINATION.

 Another major fashion company is being sued for racial discrimination. This time around its Louis Vuitton that has been slapped with a lawsuit alleging racism filed by a sales associate, Oliver Koffi, at the luxury brand’s store in London’s Selfridge’s.

The Mirror reports that Koffi is suing Louis Vuitton for racial discrimination and harassment after witnessing his boss make several racially insensitive comments. Koffi contends that the behavior created a “hostile and intimidating” working environment.

The lawsuit, which will be present to a Central London Employment court on July 18, details various incidents including an exchange that Koffi had with his boss and a few other employees in December last year. “During this discussion, my manager quite randomly stated that “black people are slaves and eat dirt off the floor,” Koffi told The Mirror.

When confronted the manager apologized and claimed it was a “joke.” Since then that manager has vacated the job following a disciplinary proceeding. However, Louis Vuitton still has to deal with the lawsuit.

According to The Mirror, the high-end fashion brand “accepts that the racist comment was made but defends the claim on the basis the company had taken all reasonably practicable steps to prevent the racist comment.” A spokeswoman for Louis Vuitton said the company “has a zero-tolerance policy to harassment of any kind. This reported sentiment is in total violation of the Louis Vuitton Ethical charter. This issue was investigated, and the manager in question no longer works within the company.”

In May Tiffany and Company was sued for racial discrimination, joining Barneys,Macy’s, Alexander McQueen, and now Louis Vuitton, in the growing list of retail brands battling accusations of racism.

Just notice the response of Louis Vuitton. They are being sued for RACIAL DISCRIMINATION, but in their response, they say that they have a “ZERO-TOLERANCE POLICY TO HARASSMENT OF ANY KIND.” Why not say that they also have a “ZERO-TOLERANCE POLICY TO DISCRIMINATION OF ANY KIND”? Because that would be a lie.

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/01/louis-vuitton-racial-discrimination-lawsuit-_n_5547882.html.

Former Assistant, Sean Bryan, Sues WME for Age Discrimination & Harassment!

Sean Bryan, who worked for four years as an assistant at William Morris Endeavor, has filed a lawsuit against the talent agency for alleged harassment and discrimination. He says he was denied an opportunity to enter WME’s “agent trainee” program on account of his age.

In the complaint, filed June 5 in Los Angeles Superior Court, Bryan says he was hired by the William Morris Agency in 2008, a year before it merged with Endeavor. At WME, Bryan, now 44, states that his superiors routinely made comments about him being older than a typical agency assistant, such as “Who’s the old guy at the desk?” “What’s up, Old Timer,” “Haven’t you been here for 100 years?” and “You are going to have a hard time here because of your age and hair color.”

After receiving favorable performance reviews for his work in the nonscripted TV department, Bryan says he was denied the opportunity to become an agent trainee, and that co-defendant Carole Katz, WME’s head of human resources, told him that he “did not fit the Endeavor model.”

Mark Baute, lead attorney for WME in the dispute, disputes the allegations. “Mr. Bryan’s age discrimination claim against WME is utterly meritless, and WME will not have any difficulty defending itself on the merits in a courtroom setting,” Baute tells THR. “Mr. Bryan had a chronic tardiness and absenteeism problem, which was well documented, and he was not discriminated against in any way, shape or form. Any further comment would unduly dignify a frivolous lawsuit that should never have been filed.”

The plaintiff filed his claim after being issued a “right-to-sue” notice from the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing. There, he had claimed the William Morris-Endeavor merger precipitated type-casting agency-wide.

“Curiously, some top executives continue to refer to the company as ‘Endeavor’ despite the merger, distinguishing its model of employment practices from that of the prior William Morris Agency, the company that originally hired Mr. Bryan,” states the DFEH complaint. “After the merger, Mr. Bryan was terminated for the very reasons ‘Endeavor,’ ‘a new company,’ does not hire people like Mr. Bryan in the first place.”

His DFEH complaint alleges that of the hundreds of agents’ assistants at WME, only a handful are over 40.

Bryan also lobbed a charge of sexual orientation discrimination in the DFEH complaint, but that claim didn’t carry forward to his lawsuit. He is represented by attorneys Boris Koron and Daniel Podolsky. The plaintiff is seeking lost income, benefits and medical expenses as well as general damages for emotional distress and mental suffering.

Did the Hollywood Reporter ever cover my racial discrimination case against William Morris Endeavor — even after it was found that William Morris discriminated against me because of my race? I think not! Only when it affects their interests — e.g. gender and age discrimination — does it become “newsworthy.” Smh.

Also, check the response of the lead attorney Mark Baute. How can any attorney in good faith say that Sean’s claims are “utterly meritless” and “frivolous” when comments like that — presumed to be true — were made in the workplace? Loeb & Loeb LLP essentially said the same thing in response to my complaint — that my claims were “without merit, legally and factually” — although nearly four years later, the finder of fact determined that I proved by a “preponderance of evidence” that I was discriminated against because of my race. Good luck Sean! Just know that William Morris doesn’t like to play fair….

Source: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/thr-esq/wme-sued-age-discrimination-by-710880

Update: I just checked out Sean’s Linkedin page (http://www.linkedin.com/pub/sean-bryan/82/980/826) and I find it strange that it says he was an Agent Trainee at the William Morris Agency from December 1993 through January 1997…and then, came back to work as a non-Agent Trainee Assistant in May 2008 until September 2012. Very strange…

Managers v. Agents! Personal Managers File Suit and Claim Talent Agencies Act (“TAA”) is Unconstitutional!!

The nation’s oldest and largest association of Hollywood personal managers has filed a federal lawsuit alleging the decades-old California Talent Agencies Act is unconstitutional. The National Conference of Personal Managers names California Gov. Jerry Brown, Attorney General Kamala Harris and Labor Commissioner Julie Su in the complaint filed Monday in U.S. District Court for the Central District of California. It claims the TAA violates due process, equal protection, involuntary servitude prohibitions of the 13th Amendment, and interferes with interstate commerce and free speech. A key issue, managers say, is confusion in the legislation over whether both talent agents and managers should be licensed. The lawsuit alleges that the legislation has voided personal management contracts and forced management commissions to be forfeited or returned, which NCOPM president Clinton Ford Billups Jr. said is hindering managers’ ability to adequately serve their clients. “Commission payments to personal managers that have been either wrongfully disgorged by the Labor Commissioner or negotiated away by a manager afraid to face a TAA controversy are estimated to have cost our profession in excess of one-half billion dollars,” said Billups. The complaint seeks declaratory and injunctive relief.

Wow! Why didn’t I see this sooner??? The timing is crazy. I recently did a post saying the same thing — not knowing that on November 9, 2012, a complaint was filed in the federal court raising the same claims!! Amazing!!! Read the complaint below.

Source: http://www.deadline.com/2012/11/showbiz-personal-managers-say-talent-agencies-act-unconstitutional/.