Tagged: Jon Stewart

CHRIS ROCK “explains what it’s really like to be black in the entertainment industry.”


There were definitely a few moments that made me cringe (“[Hollywood]’s a white industry. Just as the NBA is a black industry.”), but overall, Chris Rock’s essay for the Hollywood Reporter simply discusses the same issue that I have been addressing in my lawsuit against William Morris Endeavor Entertainment [the oldest and biggest talent agency in Hollywood] for the last four years: the lack of diversity throughout all levels of Hollywood and the deleterious effects William Morris’ unlawful employment practices had on me, the African American community, as well as society as a whole.

Rock has been acting for more than 30 years, and it’s clear that as much as things change, the more things have stayed the same. It’s funny that Rock and others can STATE THE OBVIOUS, but when I rely on historical, statistical, anecdotal, circumstantial, smoking-gun, documentary and other forms of evidence to demonstrate that William Morris’ has engaged in 116 year pattern and continuing practice of excluding qualified African Americans from meaningful positions such as Agent and Agent Trainee IN AN EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATON CASE, they never refute this evidence while simultaneously arguing that I am “anti-Semitic,” “racist” against whites and that I am nothing more than a liar that’s engaging in “bad faith” and raising “frivolous” arguments — to which the “impartial,” Republican appointed federal judge P. Kevin Castel agreed while violating numerous Canons under the Judicial of Conduct and never discussing or citing any of our nation’s antidiscrimination laws. Smdh.

So essentially, William Morris, Loeb & Loeb LLP, P. Kevin Castel, other predominately all-white/”Jewish” institutions like the Anti-Defamation League, etc. are calling ALL OF US liars and that if this industry IS STILL overrepresented by whites and “Jews” of European descent in the 21st century, it’s NOT because these companies are CONTINUING to violate our nation’s antidiscrimination laws by maintaining employment practices, policies and procedures that create a disparate impact against qualified African Americans and people of color — it’s obviously due to our inherent inferiority.

Click the cover to read Rock discuss his experiences as a black man in Hollywood.