Tagged: Jefferson Market Library

spending final writing days @ the sanctuary with my new crystals. 

Spending time with my new crystals while making the final edits to my petition for a writ of certiorari at the Jefferson Market Library. Can’t wait to be done with this tomorrow! I’m going to miss writing at this place. It’s time to start the next chapter of my life. 

back @ the sanctuary. 


I’ve been going to this library for years and today is the first day that I realized that this library used to be a court house. How fitting that out of all of the public libraries in New York City, this is the library that I did most of my legal writing at. Crazy. 


i never thought i would say that the library has almost become my second home….lol.

For the last four years, I’ve spent 99% of my time studying at the Jefferson Market Library, but on Tuesday, I paid a visit to the historic Stephen A. Schwarzman Building for the first time. With all of the tourists, it’s a pretty noisy place, but it felt great putting in eight hours preparing for the next stages of my case, with so many other great minds. I was mad to learn that the infamous Rose Main Reading Room was closed, so I stayed in the Map room instead. Definitely check these two libraries out if you’re in the city!






The Jefferson Market Library. Picture taken earlier today.



