Tagged: Interim Decision 2

“what kind of fuckery is this?!??!!??” Arbitrator David L. Gregory of the AAA does a complete about-face with latest arbitration decision!

Something illegal has definitely occurred between Arbitrator David L. Gregory’s first and second Interim Decision. This is further demonstration that whites cannot remain impartial and should not be the only ones determining civil and human rights cases of this magnitude in America. I have always maintained that an impartial jury reflecting the diversity of New York City should decide this case!!!

Here’s his first decision, issued on April 18, 2013:

I would make the pleadings filed with the AAA public, but if the pyramid of evidence I’ve presented already isn’t enough for this guy who has been a professor for 30 years at St. John’s University and teaches employment and labor law, then nothing else I present can change his mind. He  also has a financial incentive in dragging this proceeding out for as long as he can…