Tagged: intelligence chairman

House Intelligence chairman Mike J. Rogers says the release of a Senate report on the CIA’s interrogation techniques will be used by terrorists to incite violence: “Our own intelligence community has assessed that this will cause violence and deaths.”

NO SHIT SHERLOCK! Wasn’t 9/11 an “inside job” anyway?!? George W. Bush’s “war on terror” was just another series unjustified wars to destroy black and brown peoples and take control over them and their land’s natural resources. When one is aware of those facts, how could this report have anything remotely good to say?

People (including American citizens) are going to be further outraged by the inhumane treatment the West has shown to predominately black and brown nations of the world and its people. Just think of all the money America has spent [and made] on developing weapons and building prisons, to feed their psychopathic and racist urges. It cost $50 million to conduct an investigation into the “Bush-era CIA interrogation tactics [used] on detainees in the years after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks” and produce a report that majority will never read. Most importantly, think about the millions of lives have have been lost over the many lies of the West…

One doesn’t have to read the report to know that it will not be entirely truthful and a lot facts will be omitted since they are ultimately judging themselves. However, Rogers’ statements indicate that there will be enough information in the report to incite many nations around the world (more than they already are). I believe this report will further confirm that it is the imperialistic West that has ALWAYS been the aggressor [as demonstrated throughout history]. Hopefully, more people will wake up and see past their crocodile tears to hopefully realize that these psychopaths are a bunch of frauds and have never been the victims they proclaim to be.

Source: http://www.cnn.com/2014/12/09/politics/cia-torture-report/index.html?hpt=hp_t1.