Tagged: instituitonalized racism

“To address these racial disparities, we need to take an explicit look at our system. Before making a hiring decision, do we have a ‘vision’ of the ideal candidate? How does that ‘vision’ manifest itself? There are countless factors which go into the complicated assessment of which candidate is more ‘qualified,’ including the assessment of who would make ‘the best fit.’ While these terms seem innocent and objective enough, they can in fact mask our implicit preference to be surrounded by those who look like us, share our experiences, and, therefore, are perceived to more easily reach mutual understanding and common ground.”

“In order for the European to maintain their rulership over the world although they’re ten percent (10%) of the world’s population, they must keep Africans in a particular state of mind (ALIENATED). IT’S NECESSARY THAT YOU BE BACKWARDS! You must avoid things that have some meaning to you and flock towards things that are destructive to your future or else we wouldn’t be oppressed. Oppression rest on people going places and enjoying pleasures that destroy them and who are excited by nonsense and bored by stuff that they should be learning. THAT’S THE FOUNDATION OF WHICH THE OPPRESSION OF A PEOPLE REST (ESCAPISM). In this world where things are backwards, those who are oppressed are to feel ‘FREEST’ when they’re most ‘ENSLAVED.’ If you don’t understand the African psychohistory, you’re going to be confused. NO PEOPLE ARE BORN THE WAY THEY SHOULD BE FOR A CULTURE! Every culture trains and teaches its people to be what it needs them to be in order to continue its existence. You cannot turn your children and yourself over to other people and expect to be the right people for yourself…YOU’RE OUT OF YOUR MINDS!” — Dr. Amos Wilson