Tagged: Huffington Post

Jimmy Carter — the former president of the United States of America — spent more than 3 minutes talking about racism in America with the Huffington Post. he stated that following the events in Ferguson and Staten Island, he hoped that America took “another look to correct the problems that still exist [and] have not been resolved with the civil rights movement,” AGREED with the interviewer’s statement that “the country is still undergirded by racism,” but at the end of his conversation on issue of ‪#‎blacklivesmatter‬, refused to explicitly admit that America as a whole, is STILL racist. instead, he said our nation has “a very heavy race issue.” that’s a nice way to put it Jimmy!

Watch the interview here: “Jimmy Carter on #BlackLivesMatter: We Need ‘Absolute Equality.’ Huffington Post. January 13, 2015. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/01/13/jimmy-carter-black-lives-matter_n_6463406.html?ir=Politics&ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000013.

“The notions taught by patriarchy and white supremacy do not only effect our day-to-day encounters in reality; they shape our imaginations and our expectations, our intangible realities.” — Olivia Cole