Tagged: honesty

“Although it may at times accomplish desirable ends, systemic lying is never a positive state for the legal system for two main reasons. First, it undermines the premise that truth is a means of achieving accurate and fair outcomes through law. Second, the open disregard of procedural checks intended to secure truth in the courtroom undermines the appearance of procedural fairness, which is an important key to legitimacy and obedience to the law.”

Source: Julia Simon-Kerr. Systemic Lying. pg. 4. September 2014.

watch awesome TED Talks speech with one of two black female Chairwomen in corporate America, Mellody Hobson: “I think it’s time for us to be comfortable, with the uncomfortable conversation about race.”

“A judiciary without honesty has little chance of executing its moral and constitutional duties, no matter how many rules of ethics exist.”

Source: Stratos Pahis, Corruption in Our Courts: What It Looks Like and Where It Is Hidden, 118 Yale L.J. 1900, 1903 (June 2009).