Tagged: historical amnesia

“Currently the Uranus/Pluto square (an era-defining transit that denotes upheaval, change, upset and unrest active from 2012-March 2015) is showing its true potential. Uranus square Pluto can incite many a riot or, said another way, Uranus square Pluto can make it impossible to remain calm in the face of genocide. It’s revving up for its next row on December 15th. Pluto will be at 12+ degrees of Capricorn and Uranus at 12+ of Aries. In the astrological chart for the inception of The United States the sun is at 13+ degrees of Cancer. What this means is that Pluto is opposing the sun in the US’s astrological chart and Uranus is squaring it. What this means is that right now the United States is undergoing a massive transformation whether it likes it or not. What this means is that America is under an extreme amount of pressure to change and give way to a new identity. What this means is that America is in a complete identity crisis and is being forced to look its past square in the face.” — Chani Nicholas

Nicholas then states:

America has a disease. It’s unable to own up to its past of slavery, genocide and exploitation and therefore cannot see the present incarnation of it. America has a disease. It’s committed to its historical amnesia or, worse, it’s false notion that slavery ever ended. America has a disease. It’s defensiveness, disassociation, reframing of the past, misrepresentation of the present, dedication to its sociopathic laws and its perversion of justice make humanity impossible in this country as it stands. Without flushing out the old wounds, making reparations and without making clear and definitive actions towards justice for all there will be no peace here. The feeding, coddling and maintenance of our disease of injustice comes at the cost of black, brown, trans, female, poor, queer and young bodies and it is unconscionable to hold up the system that perpetuates this paradigm.

What other astrologer do you know in the Western world that openly incorporates and discusses issues like global white supremacy (racism) in their readings? Not many. That is why Chani is the truth!

Source: http://www.chaninicholas.com/full-moon-gemini-retelling-tale/.