Tagged: hearing

yesterday, the DISHONORABLE Republican appointed federal judge P. Kevin Castel confirmed William Morris/Loeb & Loeb LLP’s Motion to Confirm the fraudulent Award issued by Timothy K. Lewis of the American Arbitration Association. In further violation of my right to due process, Castel issued a filing injunction against me to make it extremely difficult to file an appeal with the Second Circuit, prejudiced me by saying that the appeal would not be made in “good faith” and took away my in forma pauperis status although he’s aware that I’m living below the poverty level. Smdh!!


Castel’s abuse of power and utter disregard for our nation’s antidiscrimination laws are unconscionable! We cannot expect the administration of justice to function properly when Presidents intentionally appoint ideologically conservative, racist and/or corrupt individuals like this to the bench for lifelong terms. They ultimately end up like Republican appointed federal judge Robert P. Patterson of the Southern District of New York. Institutionalized racism and corruption throughout our predominately all-white federal courts, help explain why many of the gains made during the civil rights movement have been eviscerated in less than 60 years. This is intentional and “not due to chance.” There is a conspiracy STILL taking place to interfere with the human rights of African Americans and we must collectively understand what is happening, before it is too late.

so for the third time, i won my food stamps hearing without actually having the hearing. however, this time i insisted on having the hearing. then i won a fourth time. hahhahaha.

In the beginning, she told me the hearing was being recorded. When I demanded a copy of the recording towards the end, she acted confused and told me she didn’t know how I would be able to obtain a copy. Lol.

Also, thanks to the security guard for confirming the judge didn’t want to have a hearing when I insisted on having one.

what are the odds that one of the opposing attorneys would get on the elevator with me as I was headed to Patterson’s courtroom on the 24th floor? funny conversation. just one of the many crazy things that happened today at the S.D.N.Y…


Like I told him: “I’m about to turn up! Black people about to turn up!” Hahaha!

my letter to the not-so-honorable Robert P. Patterson after our brief exchange in Court.

Ok! So in less than two pages, I have sufficiently summarized the overall fraud that has occurred in both Rowe’s case, as well as mine. Also included, are the handwritten notes I made during yesterday’s hearing.

“Exhibit 31”

Also, just so you know. The Southern District of New York did not “receive” this document on either July 22 or July 23, 2004. This document was submitted with the Plaintiffs’ opposition to the Booking Agency Defendants’ Motion for Summary Judgment, filed on April 3, 2003. Why would this be stamped as if received nearly 15 months later?

brief recap from Rowe’s hearing: Patterson calls Rowe to give him the opportunity to speak on the record, but continues to ignore blatant evidence of fraud. At the end of hearing, I give Patterson my two cents!!

Southern District of New York

So much happened today during this hour and a half hearing that took place in Judge Patterson’s Courtroom (24A) at the Southern District of New York.

Luckily I made better notes this time around, but I feel one of the best things that happened, was Republican appointed federal judge Robert P. Patterson’s decision to call Leonard Rowe at his home and allow him to speak on the record to defend himself against claims that he was in contempt of the court’s permanent restraining order (PRO). This was definitely unexpected. [Rowe later told me that this was the first time he ever had the opportunity to speak to Patterson directly after dealing with him on and off for nearly 16 years.]  Rowe raised so many valid arguments concerning the fraud that’s occurred throughout his case — from the conspiracy engaged in by his former attorneys, Loeb & Loeb LLP and Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP to intentionally conceal the underlying e-mails to “Exhibit 31” to Judge Patterson preventing a jury from deciding the case by granting summary judgment in favor of William Morris and CAA although there was a “scintilla of evidence” and “genuine issues of material fact” to Patterson ignoring the four perjurious Declarations submitted on May 14-15, 2012 by Leonard Rowe’s former attorneys at Dentons who continued to state that no derogatory terms were ever found during EED’s 2002 search in opposition to Rowe’s Fed. R. Civ. P. 60 Motion alleging “fraud upon the Court.”  Patterson evaded Rowe’s arguments and continued to find ways to rationalize his fraudulent decisions [e.g. saying that the derogatory terms which also included words like “spook,” “Uncle Tom” and “coon,” could have been from rap lyrics].

Patterson declined to hold Rowe in contempt for filing the commercial liens because he stated he had no proof that the liens had been in fact filed, so he could only hold Rowe in contempt for violating paragraph five of the permanent restraining order: “communicating” with William Morris, Loeb & Loeb LLP, Dentons LLP and its representatives after the PRO was issued. Patterson was hesitant to fine Rowe $50,000.00 for being in contempt as well due his dire economic circumstances and although both parties have now requested that the matter be brought to the attention of the U.S. Attorney General’s Office, Patterson stated that he was “reluctant” to do so [of course! he cannot do so because that would expose his wrongdoings and role in this conspiracy].  Rowe told me afterwards that he could tell that things were different with Patterson, because in his prime, he would have never allowed anyone to speak to him and/or give him a piece of their mind in the way that he did — especially if what Rowe was saying were in fact false.

Around 2 pm, Patterson closed the hearing after giving Leonard Rowe a week to submit an Affidavit regarding his financial position, and then giving the Defendants a week to respond to Rowe’s submission. While everyone was packing up, one of the attorneys from Dentons LLP informed Patterson that his first hearing in the federal court was before Patterson 22 years ago. He then informed Patterson that it was his colleague’s (who accompanied him) first hearing before the federal court. Patterson, reflecting on the hearing, described Rowe as being “emotional” and stated that Rowe was “misguided” for thinking that he aided in “destroy[ing] his life.” They then started talking about “Exhibit 31,” and per usual, Patterson decided to place blame on the Gary Firm, stating that the document was produced by them although this is clearly not true. I tried to hold my tongue for as long as I could, but I eventually had to speak up. I interjected and stated that “Exhibit 31” was authentic and informed Patterson that “Exhibit 31” was admitted into the evidence of record in my case against William Morris. The attorneys got silent. Patterson made a little chuckle while trying to downplay the finder of fact’s decision. I mimicked his chuckle and replied, “It’s all good because those liens are still going to be filed.” As I finished packing my bag, he asked me the name of my case. As I was about to exit the courtroom, I said very clearly, “Washington v. William Morris Endeavor Entertainment” and then I burst through the doors and left. It was very dramatic — like a scene straight out of a movie [the one about my life]! Lmao!!

Judge Patterson orders second hearing in Leonard Rowe’s case regarding the commercial liens, after refusing to grant a hearing for Leonard Rowe’s Fed. R. Civ. P. 60 Motion alleging “fraud upon the Court.”

Date: Friday, January 24, 2014

Where: Southern District of New York, 500 Pearl Street, New York, NY 10007

Time: 12:00 PM

It’s pretty disgusting to see what’s happening in this case. Leonard Rowe has always accused his former attorneys and the attorneys for William Morris [Loeb & Loeb LLP, represented by Michael P. Zweig] and Creative Artists Agency [Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP] of conspiring with each other  to conceal smoking gun evidence showing executives and employees referring to African Americans as “nigger,” “nigga,” “coon,” “Uncle Tom,” “monkey” and “spooks” hundreds of times in their outgoing and incoming e-mails. Dentons LLP (formerly known as SNR Dentons LLP, Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal LLP and RubinBaum LLP) used to represent Leonard Rowe and the class of black promoters. This is the law firm that made them pay $200,000.00 to search the 1998-1999 backup tapes of William Morris and CAA, who did not follow the procedures set forth in Magistrate Judge Francis’ January 2002 e-discovery protocol unbeknownst to their clients and told them when the search results finally came in, that no derogatory terms were ever found. However, we know this was a lie because a month later, Leonard Rowe [by chance] discovered the document [a.k.a. “Exhibit 31”] on desk of Raymond Heslin — one of his attorneys at SNR  — during a meeting in New York and the document was later faxed to Leonard Rowe’s co-counsel at the Willie Gary Law Firm based in Stuart, Florida. [Dentons LLP has never disputed this fact.] The underlying e-mails were never produced by Dentons LLP and “Exhibit 31” was deemed to be an “unidentified and unauthenticated document” by the “dishonorable” Robert P. Patterson in a footnote of his 175 page summary dismissal of Rowe’s case. Neither of our cases rely solely on this smoking gun evidence to prove our claims and since there were “genuine issues of material fact,” an impartial jury should have determined the merits of Rowe’s claims [as well as mine]. However, due to collusion, corruption and fraud, this never happened and Rowe has been fighting for justice ever since.

I was already disgusted when I attended the first hearing concerning the  commercial liens and saw the attorneys for Dentons and Loeb & Loeb LLP now arguing on the same side of the table and defending each other before the nearly decrepit, 90 year old, Republican appointed [Ronald Reagan] federal judge. Since Leonard Rowe is still going to go through with filing the liens, they are now shaking in their boots because  their time to respond to his Affidavits is up and he has given them notice that he will be filing the liens. They have good reason to be nervous because each individual involved in this sinister and heinous conspiracy against the human rights of Leonard Rowe and essentially all people of African descent are getting hit with a $100,000,000.00 lien and each company is getting hit with a $500,000,000.00 lien!! So when they submitted their most recent motion papers to have Judge Patterson hold Rowe in contempt of court for violating his permanent restraining order, their motions essentially read the same, although they were submitted a day later. Smh. Karma is a bitch. One of the ways to have the lien taken off is to have a jury trial! Let’s have a jury weigh the facts/evidence and determine who is telling the truth!!!

Also, here’s a link to a recent article on a man that I have grown to despise after learning about his “conservative agenda” and the the measures he took to help eviscerate the human rights African Americans during the 1980s — former President of the United States of America Ronald “RaceBaiting Racist” Reagan: http://www.salon.com/2014/01/11/the_racism_at_the_heart_of_the_reagan_presidency/.

stuck in traffic.


What a crazy morning!! Earlier today, the hearing regarding the Defendants’ request for a permanent restraining order against Leonard Rowe and his “agents, servants, employees, attorneys and other persons in active concert and participation with Mr. Rowe” took place at Judge Robert P. Patterson’s Courthouse at the Southern District of New York. Of course,  on our way there, we got stuck in traffic, and once we got there, we had to wait in the court’s long ass line, so we were about 20 minutes late. Without going into much detail, let’s just say I couldn’t be more disgusted with our judicial system and the way it operates. Leonard Rowe was not present, but to see the law firm that once represented Rowe and the firm that it conspired with to conceal smoking gun evidence sitting on the same side, acting in complete and total concert with one another, just shows how much corruption has taken place in Rowe’s case. Although the Respondents wanted this PRO to apply to me, Patterson said that it didn’t. There were lots of awkward moments of silence and the entire proceeding seemed questionable. Even Patterson seemed perturbed with himself by the amount of fraud he has allowed to occur in this case, but in the end, he granted the PRO to cease Rowe from taking any further action relating to this case.


Thanks IB & Devon for coming with and supporting me! All the blacks (the three of us) were sitting on one side of the courtroom and all whites were on the other. Lmao! As much things change, they stay the same. Smh.

DENTONS LLP also files ex parte motion for Temporary Restraining Order against Leonard Rowe!

The hearing will take place on Friday, December 6, 2013 at the Southern District of New York at 9:30AM. If you live in the area, please attend, especially if you are a journalist or are associated with the media. I am certain that the court reporter’s transcription will not accurately reflect what was stated during the hearing…