Tagged: formalist judge

the inevitable impact of Twombly and Iqbal on employment discrimination cases.

[W]hile Iqbal and Twombly may not yet have produced wholesale dismissal of employment discrimination complaints, given employment discrimination heuristics and precedent in other fields that is a fair prediction.

Indeed, even if cases are not dismissed at a higher rate, the Iqbal/Twombly analysis is likely to have a substantial impact on the subsequent “only procedural” rulings that a judge must make — the discovery that a court allows (for example, only discovery on the “plausible” claims), the class certification decision, and the efficacy of expert testimony. All these decisions will make summary judgment for the employer even more likely.

Source: Hon. Nancy Gertner and Elizabeth M. Schneider. “Only Procedural”: Thoughts on the Substantive Law Dimensions of Preliminary Procedural Decisions in Employment Discrimination Cases, 57 N.Y.L. Sch. L. Rev.767, 777-78 (2012–2013).

“Why are the federal courts so hostile to discrimination claims?”

Each year, the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts holds an extraordinary panel. All active judges are present to answer questions from the bar. A lawyer’s question one year was particularly provocative: “Why are the federal courts so hostile to discrimination claims?” One judge after another insisted that there was no hostility. All they were doing when they dismissed employment discrimination cases was following the law—nothing more, nothing less.

I disagreed. Federal courts, I believed, were hostile to discrimination cases. Although the judges may have thought they were entirely unbiased, the outcomes of those cases told a different story. The law judges felt “compelled” to apply had become increasingly problematic. Changes in substantive discrimination law since the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were tantamount to a virtual repeal. This was so not because of Congress; it was because of judges.

Decades ago, law-and-society scholars offered an explanation for that phenomenon, evaluating the structural forces at work in law-reform litigation that lead to one-sided judicial outcomes. Focusing on employment discrimination claims, Marc Galanter argued that, because employers are “repeat players” whereas individual plaintiffs are not, the repeat players have every incentive to settle the strong cases and litigate the weak ones. Over time, strategic settlement practices produce judicial interpretations of rights that favor the repeat players’ interests. More recently, Catherine Albiston went further, identifying the specific opportunities for substantive rulemaking in this litigation—as in summary judgment and motions to dismiss—and how the “repeat players,” to use Galanter’s term, take advantage of them.

In this Essay, drawing on my seventeen years on the federal bench, I attempt to provide a firsthand and more detailed account of employment discrimination law’s skewed evolution—the phenomenon I call “Losers’ Rules.” I begin with a discussion of the wholly one-sided legal doctrines that characterize discrimination law. In effect, today’s plaintiff stands to lose unless he or she can prove that the defendant had explicitly discriminatory policies in place or that the relevant actors were overtly biased. It is hard to imagine a higher bar or one less consistent with the legal standards developed after the passage of the Civil Rights Act, let alone with the way discrimination manifests itself in the twenty-first century. Although ideology may have something to do with these changes, and indeed the bench may be far less supportive of antidiscrimination laws than it was during the years following the laws’ passage, I explore another explanation. Asymmetric decisionmaking—where judges are encouraged to write detailed decisions when granting summary judgment and not to write  it—fundamentally changes the lens through which employment cases are viewed, in two respects. First, it encourages judges to see employment discrimination cases as trivial or frivolous, as decision after decision details why the plaintiff loses. And second, it leads to the development of decision heuristics—the Losers’ Rules—that serve to justify prodefendant outcomes and thereby exacerbate the one-sided development of the law.

Great article by Nancy Gertner [not a woman of color]. This is what happens when the federal courts have intentionally been filled with ideologically conservative, white male, Republican appointed federal judges, particularly since Ronald Reagan became president 34 years ago. Below is Gertner discussing this topic at the New York Law School’s Symposium titled “A View From the Bench — The Judges’ Perspective on Summary Judgment In Employment Discrimination Cases.” [go to the 38:38 mark]

Major reform is needed — not only to strengthen the Civil Rights Act of 1964, but to develop structural mechanisms that will eliminate racist and corrupt judges who intentionally ignore the law and deprive plaintiffs in employment discrimination cases of their right to a jury trial under the color of law.

Source: Nancy Gertner. “Loser’s Rules.” The Yale Law Journal Online. October 16, 2012.  http://yalelawjournal.org/the-yale-law-journal-pocket-part/procedure/losers%E2%80%99-rules/

Judge Patterson orders second hearing in Leonard Rowe’s case regarding the commercial liens, after refusing to grant a hearing for Leonard Rowe’s Fed. R. Civ. P. 60 Motion alleging “fraud upon the Court.”

Date: Friday, January 24, 2014

Where: Southern District of New York, 500 Pearl Street, New York, NY 10007

Time: 12:00 PM

It’s pretty disgusting to see what’s happening in this case. Leonard Rowe has always accused his former attorneys and the attorneys for William Morris [Loeb & Loeb LLP, represented by Michael P. Zweig] and Creative Artists Agency [Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP] of conspiring with each other  to conceal smoking gun evidence showing executives and employees referring to African Americans as “nigger,” “nigga,” “coon,” “Uncle Tom,” “monkey” and “spooks” hundreds of times in their outgoing and incoming e-mails. Dentons LLP (formerly known as SNR Dentons LLP, Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal LLP and RubinBaum LLP) used to represent Leonard Rowe and the class of black promoters. This is the law firm that made them pay $200,000.00 to search the 1998-1999 backup tapes of William Morris and CAA, who did not follow the procedures set forth in Magistrate Judge Francis’ January 2002 e-discovery protocol unbeknownst to their clients and told them when the search results finally came in, that no derogatory terms were ever found. However, we know this was a lie because a month later, Leonard Rowe [by chance] discovered the document [a.k.a. “Exhibit 31”] on desk of Raymond Heslin — one of his attorneys at SNR  — during a meeting in New York and the document was later faxed to Leonard Rowe’s co-counsel at the Willie Gary Law Firm based in Stuart, Florida. [Dentons LLP has never disputed this fact.] The underlying e-mails were never produced by Dentons LLP and “Exhibit 31” was deemed to be an “unidentified and unauthenticated document” by the “dishonorable” Robert P. Patterson in a footnote of his 175 page summary dismissal of Rowe’s case. Neither of our cases rely solely on this smoking gun evidence to prove our claims and since there were “genuine issues of material fact,” an impartial jury should have determined the merits of Rowe’s claims [as well as mine]. However, due to collusion, corruption and fraud, this never happened and Rowe has been fighting for justice ever since.

I was already disgusted when I attended the first hearing concerning the  commercial liens and saw the attorneys for Dentons and Loeb & Loeb LLP now arguing on the same side of the table and defending each other before the nearly decrepit, 90 year old, Republican appointed [Ronald Reagan] federal judge. Since Leonard Rowe is still going to go through with filing the liens, they are now shaking in their boots because  their time to respond to his Affidavits is up and he has given them notice that he will be filing the liens. They have good reason to be nervous because each individual involved in this sinister and heinous conspiracy against the human rights of Leonard Rowe and essentially all people of African descent are getting hit with a $100,000,000.00 lien and each company is getting hit with a $500,000,000.00 lien!! So when they submitted their most recent motion papers to have Judge Patterson hold Rowe in contempt of court for violating his permanent restraining order, their motions essentially read the same, although they were submitted a day later. Smh. Karma is a bitch. One of the ways to have the lien taken off is to have a jury trial! Let’s have a jury weigh the facts/evidence and determine who is telling the truth!!!

Also, here’s a link to a recent article on a man that I have grown to despise after learning about his “conservative agenda” and the the measures he took to help eviscerate the human rights African Americans during the 1980s — former President of the United States of America Ronald “RaceBaiting Racist” Reagan: http://www.salon.com/2014/01/11/the_racism_at_the_heart_of_the_reagan_presidency/.

“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” — Abraham Lincoln

“[I]t is the duty of courts to make sure that the Human Rights Law works and that the intent of the Legislature is not thwarted by a combination of strict construction of the statute and a battle with semantics.”

Source:  City of Schenectady v. State Div. on Human Rights, 335 N.E.2d 290, 295 (N.Y. 1975)

only in AmeriKKKa! two attorneys want $37,477.50 for lying under oath and further implicating themselves in a corrupt conspiracy to interfere with civil and human rights of African Americans (“white supremacy”)!

Today, Martin R. Gold and Raymond Heslin — the two principal attorneys from SNR Denton involved with handling electronic discovery of the William Morris Agency and Creative Artists Agency’s e-mails in or around August 2002 for Leonard Rowe and the class of black concert promoters — filed Declarations in support of sanctioning Leonard Rowe after the dishonorable Judge Patterson denied his FRCP 60 Motion on November 8, 2012.

Martin Gold wants $22,477.50 for his troubles and wants an “entry of an order prohibiting Mr. Rowe from commencing any judicial or quasi-judicial proceedings against any of the SNR Denton Attorneys, or their law firms, partners or employees, without prior leave of this Court.”

Raymond Heslin — the sloppy attorney that also told Leonard that no derogatory terms were found but accidentally had the nigger e-mail search results on his desk during a meeting with Leonard a couple weeks later — wants $15,000.o0!

Leonard Rowe has clearly been denied due process and equal protection under the law throughout the fourteen years this case has been litigated,  now he may be prevented from pursuing criminal action against those involved. What kind of fucked up society are we living in? They don’t respect our inalienable rights — and never have!!! And as a consequence of white supremacy’s paralyzing grip over our culture and concept of self over the last five hundred years, we don’t either. It’s all very sad and disturbing. Only in AmeriKKKa…