Tagged: first niggerized black president

“The first black president has become the first niggerized black president.” — Dr. Cornel West

Yesterday afternoon, I was watching CNN and Dr. Cornel West gave a great interview with CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin. Although the initial focus of the conversation was on the tragic events that took place in Charleston, Dr. West brought the conversation full circle when he discussed the role our nation’s first “niggerized black president” has played in exacerbating our country’s issues with racism. Click the link below to hear Dr. West’s statements. Do you agree? I definitely do.

Source: Pam Key. “Cornel West: Obama ‘Has Become The First Nigg**ized Black President.” Breitbart. June 22, 2015. http://www.breitbart.com/video/2015/06/22/cornel-west-obama-has-become-the-first-n-gerized-black-president/.