Tagged: female directors

“The American Civil Liberties Union is taking on Hollywood’s boys-club mentality. The organization on Tuesday called on state and federal agencies to investigate gender discrimination at major Hollywood studios, networks and talent agencies, contending that ‘women are systematically excluded from or underemployed in directing jobs.'”

At the end of the article, Melissa Goodman, director of the ACLU SoCal’s LGBTQ, Gender & Reproductive Justice Project is quoted as saying: “Blatant and extreme gender inequality in this large and important industry is shameful and unacceptable. The time has come for new solutions to this serious civil rights problem.”

Hmmm. I find it vvveerrrrry interesting that the ACLU will accuse Hollywood of gender discrimination, but won’t say ANYTHING about pervasive and widespread racism in Hollywood!!?? Although the ACLU is going after Hollywood for what they claim is a lack of female directors, it’s the predominately white/”Jewish” talent agencies who scout, sign and represent directors and work with the predominately white/”Jewish” networks and studios to land them jobs. With that being said, let’s look at the racial composition of the William Morris Agency’s (now William Morris Endeavor Entertainment) New York office during my employment:

Although this chart doesn’t break down the gender composition of William Morris’ New York office, white women in the New York office accounted for approx. 45 percent of Agents during my employment at the company.  Based on the gender composition of William Morris’ Agents in the New York office, it can only be argued that WOMEN OF COLOR are being discriminated against from being hired and/or promoted to Agent, which has direct effect on the gross under-representation of directors, screenwriters and actors of color that we see on the big and small screen today.

Despite the fact that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a direct result of the black-led civil rights movement, white women have actually benefited from this statute the most and yet their claims of gender discrimination are always taken seriously. The same cannot be said when African Americans and other groups of color accuse Hollywood of being racist.

One thing I would like to know: How many black and persons of color are employed in meaningful positions at the ACLU??? I’m sure that will help explain their complete refusal to address the longstanding issue of racism in Hollywood…

Source: Oliver Gettel. “ACLU Calls For Investigation Into Gender Discrimination In Hollywood.” LA Times. May 12, 2015. http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/movies/moviesnow/la-et-mn-aclu-gender-discrimination-hollywood-20150512-story.html.