Tagged: false impriosnment

the RACIST & DISHONORABLE federal judge in Leonard Rowe’s case — Robert P. Patterson — has passed away!!! đŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ˜±

I’m in disbelief right now. My only run in with Patterson was at the conference that took place on January 24, 2014 [see transcript below].

As you can see, Leonard ripped Patterson a new one and Patterson could do nothing about it, because he knew Leonard was telling the truth. Smdh.

After the conference ended, I told him that fraud had been perpetrated upon the Court and that he knew “Exhibit 31” was authentic, or else Arbitrator David L. Gregory wouldn’t have admitted the document into the evidence of record in my case.

My only regret is that Patterson wasn’t impeached before he passed. May his racist soul rot in hell.