Tagged: employent discrimination

“College graduates have survived both the recession and the ho-hum recovery far better than those without a degree, but blacks who finished four years of college are suffering from unemployment rates that are painfully high compared with their white counterparts. Among recent graduates aged 22 to 27, the jobless rates for blacks last year was 12.4 percent versus 4.9 percent for whites, said John Schmitt, a senior economist at the Center for Economic and Policy Research.”

This is not news!!! Every so many years, the NYT writes an article like this while refusing to acknowledge the root of the problem! Thus, same shit, different decade…

Source: Patricia Cohen. “For Recent Black College Graduates, A Tougher Road to Employment.” New York Times. December 24, 2014. http://mobile.nytimes.com/2014/12/25/business/for-recent-black-college-graduates-a-tougher-road-to-employment.html?_r=0.