Tagged: Departmental Disciplinary Committee

“My findings and recommendations are signaled throughout this Article….Here it suffices to offer two observations. First, the lawyer disciplinary system in New York is deficient in design and operation. It fails the professed purpose of protecting the public and the administration of justice. Some of the problems I identify may also trouble disciplinary systems elsewhere. One problem, intrastate disparity, appears to be unique to New York. This disparity is aggravated by the fact that opinions in the Second, Third, and Fourth Departments often lack detail, any explanation of the court’s reasons for the chosen sanction, and citation to the department’s own decisions addressing similar misconduct. Second, the New York courts should authorize a study of the state’s disciplinary process and performance, including decisions that state law makes secret and which, therefore, outside researchers like me cannot evaluate. Such a study would be the single best first step in repairing a broken system.”

Source: Stephen Gillers. Lowering The Bar: How Lawyer Discipline In New York Fails To Protect The Public. New York University Journal of Legislation and Public Policy, Vol. 17, No. 2, pg. 490. 2014.

in order to better understand why the NY attorney disciplinary system is a SHAM & in such a state of DISARRAY, watch Center for Judicial Accountability Director Elena Sassower’s testimony at the August 11, 2015 hearing of the Commission on Statewide Attorney Discipline. 

since the Departmental Disciplinary Committee claimed they never received my individual complaint against Loeb & Loeb LLP attorney Christian Carbone that was submitted NINE MONTHS AGO, I am resubmitting it today.


Since Cynthia Rapp and others in the Supreme Court have [falsely] stated to me that Supreme Court Rule 8 can only triggered if the “state” concludes that an attorney has engaged in conduct unbecoming a member of the Bar, the DDC’s failure to conduct an investigation into my complaint, as well as the joint complaint that was filed with Leonard Rowe in 2012, constitutes an obstruction of justice and violation of my constitutional rights to due process and equal protection under the law.

the degrees of separation between Castel, Gregory, Reardon and others just got smaller….

So the judge, arbitrator AND chairman of departmental disciplinary committee involved in this case (who are all White males over the age of 60) are either highly active alumni of St. John’s University Law School — currently ranked 98 by U.S. News & World Report — or have taught at the law school for more than 30 years???? Do you think this is coincidental or due by chance??? Thank God for the Internet!! 

exposing widespread corruption within the DDC & judiciary continued…

Here are the additional documents detailing the correspondence between the DDC and ourselves:

Although the DDC decided to transfer the complaint of Martin R. Gold, weeks went by without any update on what was happening to the investigation of the other eight attorneys complained of. We called and e-mailed Chairman Roy L. Reardon and various members of the DDC numerous times and they tried to act as if we only wanted our complaint into the unethical and criminal acts of Martin R. Gold to be reconsidered. Clearly, that would make no sense since Gold didn’t act alone in this sinister and diabolical conspiracy to interfere with the civil and human rights of African Americans. On November 16, 2012 (nearly four months after we filed our complaint), they finally decided to reconsider our complaint against the other eight attorneys.

Three days later, we responded with this letter. We had a feeling that they were trying to whitewash our complaint again, so we wanted to put it in writing that we were aware of the procedural rules regarding what was actually supposed to happen during their “investigation.”

On November 30, 2012, the NYPD informed us that the DDC was the appropriate organization to handle this matter.

On December 6, 2012, we received a letter from Jorge Dopico informing us that on November 28, 2012, the Appellate Division, First Judicial Department, confirmed the transfer of Martin R. Gold’s complaint to “avoid the appearance of impropriety.”

According to the Rules, the attorneys had 20 days to respond to our complaint. On December 12, 2013 — nearly a month after the DDC said they were going to reconsider our complaint into the serious unethical and criminal conduct of the other eight attorneys — we sent the DDC a letter containing the numerous lies told to us by various members of the DDC and requesting that we receive a copy of their responses so we would have a chance to reply. Of course, this never happened.

On December 13, 2012, the Second Judicial Department transferred Martin R. Gold’s complaint to Robert Green, Chief Attorney for the Tenth Judicial District Grievance Committee.

Less than a month later, on January 10, 2013, we recieved a letter from Robert Green stating that because we were pursuing our “legal remedies in a federal proceeding,” the Committee had a practice to “refrain from investigating complaints which are being addressed in a legal proceeding.”

And then full circle, on February 19, 2013, we recieved a letter from Jorge Dopico that after a “second reviewing member” conducted their “independent review,” they were in “accord with the original decision not to proceed further with [our] complaint.” If you scroll up and reread the second letter in this post, it’s obvious that they whitewashed our complaint once again. Smh.

the Departmental Disciplinary Committee (“DDC”) spends 7 months whitewashing our complaint and fails to conduct an investigation into the serious unethical and criminal conduct of each attorney involved in this corrupt conspiracy.

“The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke

Seven months ago, Leonard Rowe and I filed a joint compliant with the Departmental Disciplinary Committee (“DDC”), First Judicial Department which handles complaints of ethical misconduct of attorneys whose offices are in Manhattan and the Bronx. According to their website, “[t]he purpose of the Committee is to protect the public and the legal profession by ensuring that lawyers adhere to the ethical standards set forth in the Rules of Professional Conduct (the “Rules”). The Committee protects the public by reviewing and investigating complaints against lawyers and by recommending sanctions against those who are proven to have violated the Rules. It protects the legal profession by enforcing high standards of conduct, while at the same time ensuring that complaints are dealt with fairly.” I just checked my mailbox to find out that they have once again refused to conduct an investigation into our complaint. We have tried to respect their rules of confidentiality, but since they have attempted to whitewash our compliant on more than one occasion, we are left with no choice but to make these documents public and further demonstrate how corrupt America’s judicial system is.

Less than a week after requesting that our complaint be reconsidered, as well as CC’ing Chairman of the DDC First Department Roy L. Reardon and the each minority member that sits on the Committee, the DDC decided to follow its own procedural guidelines by formally requesting that Martin R. Gold’s investigation be transferred to another department due to a clear conflict of interest — he’s a “Committee Policy Member” of the DDC.

I’ll upload the rest of the documents tomorrow, but this is just another indicator that the American people need to wake up. Our country is in self-destruct mode because those in positions of power are highly corrupt, racist and believe that they are above the law. This has to stop or else we are all doomed. When will the people demand change?

if corruption permeates throughout New York’s judicial system, who can one turn to to impartially investigate corrupt attorneys and judges?

This question arose because Leonard Rowe’s former attorney, Martin R. Gold (who concealed evidence worth $200,000 from his client, committed “fraud upon the Court” and recently lied under oath amongst a number of other crimes) is on the “Special Committee” at the Departmental Disciplinary Committee, First Department. In April of 2010, Leonard Rowe filed a complaint against Martin Gold and Ray Heslin, but in corrupt typical fashion, his complaint was whitewashed and ultimately dismissed.  Here is a video of Mr. Gold and attorney Alan W. Friedberg, Esq. at the New York Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings on June 08, 2009 discussing the DDC’s policies and procedures for investigating complaints.

Why do all of these corrupt attorneys and judges have a distinctly similar look? ….Not sure if I (or they) believe what they’re saying, but just know that these two in particular have no problems lying, especially to an African American! I do know that three years later, not much as changed. A great blog detailing the widespread corruption that’s vertically integrated throughout the judicial system in America is Expose Corrupt Courts (http://exposecorruptcourts.blogspot.com/).  I’ve seen Friedberg’s name mentioned there quite a few times. Some of the articles are enough to “shock the conscience” — yet, when you truly understand white supremacy for what it is, their criminal and corrupt behavior is quite consistent with their distorted patterns of thought, logic, perception and worldview. Like The Secret says: “Thoughts become things!”

Below is the testimony of Kevin McKeown who strongly believes that the “state-wide attorney and judicial ethics oversight structure is corrupt” and is involved with numerous organizations that are committed to the “restor[ing] the trust the public should have in the judicial branch of our government.”