Tagged: defeating evil system

“Our nation’s army of judicial clerks is overwhelmingly white, not unlike the judiciary it serves. Only 14 percent of federal clerks in 2009 were minorities, according to a study that year by the National Association for Law Placement (NALP) — the last time any comprehensive survey of clerk diversity was done. Minorities fared slightly better in less prestigious state court clerkships, where they filled 18 percent of the positions.”

This was the first paragraph from Karen Sloane article “Judges Doing Something About Dearth of Diverse Clerks,” published May 12, 2014 in The National Law Journal. 

Very little diversity amongst our federal judges and the administration results in very little diversity amongst those who are chosen as clerks. It’s 2014! This should be a NO BRAINER!!!! If many of these federal clerks are actually the ones writing these opinions, what impact, if any, has that played on our majority white, ideologically conservative court’s narrowed interpretation of our nation’s human rights and antidiscrimination statutes over the last 34 years [since Reagan administration]?

Source: http://www.nationallawjournal.com/id=1202654681652/Judges-Doing-Something-About-Dearth-of-Diverse-Clerks#ixzz32MNHRX4s.

don’t let HISTORY repeat itself! March on Washington planned for August 24, 2013!

It’s been 50 years since the historic March on Washington took place. Unfortunately, many of the gains made as a result of the civil rights movement have been slowly eviscerated thanks to conservative and “liberal” whites over the last 40 years, hence the reason why Martin Luther King, III and “Rev.” Al Sharpton have planned this second march on August 24, 2013. Here are pics from the first March:

Civil Rights Rally

The civil rights leader Martin Luther KI


Although I support their efforts, aren’t we TIRED of marching, engaging in peaceful, non-violent protests and begging whites for equality and rights that are GOD given? Why do we continue to tolerate this shit from these genetically inferior beings? When is enough, enough? Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream has NEVER been realized and that’s a shame because he personified love for ALL of humanity. African Americans must begin to learn from our past (knowing our history is a requirement), develop new strategies to combat this “evil system” and we must no longer be content with cosmetic and superficial change. We must demand CONSEQUENTIAL change or else, things are only going to get worse for the African American community.

For more info: http://nationalactionnetwork.net/mow/.