Tagged: Crusdaders

“The Afrikans had gone through six Dynasties prior to the first European of any substance coming into the land to make him or herself known…[W]e gotta stop talking on certain levels. I believe that our discussion at this point is counterproductive. See, we’re not about asking them, ‘[Were] Egyptians black?’ That’s yesterday’s discussion. See, we dealt with that yesterday. Whether or not you’re up to the par is your business. See, you missed the train, I didn’t. I was on that train. Now, we got to be about the formation of a nation in terms of our thought process. And this is why the Moors become so very important to us because if you do not understand the Moors, [then] it is very difficult for us as a people to understand why we’re in the position that we’re in today. You cannot understand why we’re in the position that we’re into today, if you don’t understand what happened in 1492. You cannot understand what happened in 1492, if you don’t understand the Crusades. You cannot understand the Crusades, if you don’t understand the Moors. Because the very nature of the knowledge that the Crusaders — the Christian Europeans — got of the riches of the East — why Columbus was on the seas in the first place hundreds of years later — was because of what the Moors had brought into Spain.” — Booker T. Coleman, Jr.