Tagged: black actors

“Opportunities for black and minority ethnic actors in Britain are worse now than when David Oyelowo left for Los Angeles eight years ago and the biggest problem, he says, is the white, middle-class men in charge of commissioning. Oyelowo made his blunt, devastating assessment at the launch of a report exploring the state of diversity in the UK’s creative industries. The actor said the situation was getting worse, not better, and the central question was: ‘Who is curating the culture? Predominantly it is white, middle-class men. We go to the movies to see ourselves and the best movies you or I have ever seen [are] where we are able to project ourselves on to the protagonist and wonder[, ‘W]hat would I do? How would that affect me? How would I get through that situation?[‘] What we predominantly have, in movies especially, are younger, better-looking versions of the people curating culture.'”

Source: Mark Brown. “Roles In UK For Black And Minority Ethnic Actors Worse Than Ever, Claims David Oyelowo.” The Guardian. September 28, 2015. http://www.theguardian.com/film/2015/sep/28/roles-uk-black-minority-ethnic-actors-worse-than-ever-claims-david-oyelowo.