Tagged: Barack Hussein Obama

“That threat is embodied in a long-running lawsuit filed by a group of African-American Secret Service agents who allege the agency’s culture is replete with racism. ‘If the black Secret Service agents’ legal claims related to racism in the agency are true, then there is a threat to the president’s security because he is a black man,’ says Matthew Fogg, a retired chief deputy U.S. Marshal who in 1998 won a multimillion-dollar jury verdict in a racial discrimination lawsuit filed against his agency. ‘If they are treating black people differently, then how can that not affect the president?’ Fogg also is party to one of two pending class-action discrimination cases filed by black federal agents against the U.S. Marshals Service.”


I didn’t know about these racial discrimination lawsuits against various governmental departments. Did you? As you may know, there have been a few instances where the Secret Service have clearly “dropped the ball” in their protection of the POTUS, most recently in September, when an intruder was able to climb the fence and enter the White House. [How is that even possible under their watch?] Clearly, these are the types of internal problems that only black U.S. Presidents face. However, these lawsuits expose what some knew all along: even if Obama was elected and made President of the United States of America, he’s still a nigger. Smdh.

Source: Bill Conroy. “It’s Not Just The Cops — Racism Is A Problem For the Secret Service, Too.” The Daily Beast. December 6, 2014. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/12/06/it-s-not-just-the-cops-racism-is-a-problem-for-the-secret-service-too.html.

“Since political support from white Americans would be essential for enabling legislation to be passed to establish a reparations program for African Americans — or merely to get Rep. John Conyers long-stalled bill to establish a commission to study reparations for African Americans out of committee— these numbers indicate that the task of building a national movement of black reparations is daunting. Still, the legislative route seems to be the most likely route to produce a comprehensive and effective reparations program. So the serious and hard task is one of persuading the U.S. public of the validity of reparations for African Americans.”

Source: William Darity, Jr. Forty Acres and a Mule in the 21st Century. Social Science Quarterly, Volume 89, No. 3, September 2008.

“In general, a program of reparations is intended to achieve three objectives: acknowledgment of a grievous injustice, redress for the injustice, and closure of the grievances held by the group subjected to the injustice. Three types of injustices motivate a program of reparations for black Americans: slavery, the nearly century long Jim Crow regime following Reconstruction, and ongoing discrimination.”

Source: William Darity, Jr. Forty Acres and a Mule in the 21st Century. Social Science Quarterly, Volume 89, No. 3, September 2008.