Tagged: assasination

“You had to beg for even a day to worship a great man but you failed to understand that [Dr. Martin Luther] King did not operate alone. There was a man at the same time named Malcolm X. And somebody told you that Malcolm X preached violence!? How the hell [do] you think you got here? By non-violence? How do you think you got lynched? And how do you think King died? By a bullet like Malcolm X…[W]hat is it about one struggling for you that isn’t about the other struggling for you? You let people decide for you who fights for you. What made Malcolm less of a fighter for you than King? They both died fighting in the best way that they knew for their people. None worse or none better than the other, but worst of all, you have not one day cried for Rosa Parks and that sister started it all. Just give them black sisters a chance [and] they will show us brothers the way.” — Dr. Yosef Ben Jochannan 
