Tagged: Article III federal judges

“Chief Justice [John G.] Roberts’s way to stop what he has framed as race-based discrimination reflects an exclusive focus on racial classifications and an acontextual and ahistorical equal protection analysis. Disconnected from this nation’s history and the realities of white-supremacist racism, his focus on race as skin color or phenotype renders constitutionally problematic any and all governmental considerations of race. On that view, discrimination on the basis of race (in the form of racial classifications) can be ended by the cessation of governmental racial classifications.”

This is exactly what the federal judges in the Southern District of New York and the Second Circuit, particularly P. Kevin Castel of the Southern District of New York, have done to deprive me of my constitutional and statutory rights under the color of law and issue fraudulently procured decisions in favor of William Morris, Loeb & Loeb LLP and their co-conspirators such as the American Arbitration Association. Castel intentionally ignored my claims of systemic disparate treatment & disparate impact, as well as ignored the pyramid of evidence I presented in my Complaint which showed this Hollywood’s talent agency’s egregious pattern and practice discrimination against African Americans in employment spanning over a century and contemporary statistical evidence which established an “inference of discrimination” and supported that the company’s racially segregated workforce was “not due to chance.”

It’s not a coincidence that majority of these “ideologically conservative” Article III federal judges who try to ignore history and the realities of racism present day are white and were appointed to life-long terms on the bench by Republican Presidents…

Source: Ronald Turner. “The Way To Stop Discrimination On the Basis of Race…” Stanford Journal of Civil Rights & Civil Liberties. pg. 47. January 2015.

As expected, the Second Circuit en banc REFUSES to UPHOLD THE LAW and DENIES Motion for Reconsideration without explanation or providing an ethical judicial opinion; CONTINUES to PRETEND that INSTITUTIONAL RACISM is a FIGMENT OF MY IMAGINATION.

I’m just finding out that on April 30, 2015 — a day after the protests in Baltimore — the 2nd Cir. en banc denied my Motion for Reconsideration, although I demonstrated that all of legal conclusions reached by district court judge P. Kevin Castel were erroneous as both a matter of law and public policy and that appellate judges Dennis Jacobs, Raymond J. Lohier and district court judge Laura Taylor Swain, erred by refusing to uphold the law and vacate Castel’s Order.


Motion for Reconsideration En Banc:

I knew they wouldn’t be able to remain impartial because they refused to acknowledge or address Title VII, the case law supporting that Arbitrator David L. Gregory’s Partial Final Award which concluded that William Morris discriminated against me because of my race was reviewable by the Southern District of New York and never mentioned my claims of “fraud upon the Court” [e.g., ‘Jewish’ Loeb & Loeb LLP attorney Michael P. Zweig was involved in a conspiracy to conceal smoking gun evidence in a prior racial discrimination case but sits on Second Circuit Courts Committee, never discussing that Loeb & Loeb LLP attorney is married to General Counsel for the American Arbitration Association and never disclosed this information to myself or the court, etc.], which is why I originally asked for my appeal to be transferred to another circuit. Yet again, my appeal was denied without the issuance of an ethical judicial opinion.

The only way William Morris and Loeb & Loeb LLP could obtain favorable verdicts in this case is through fraud — this is why the appellate court can’t discuss the law or legal arguments raised! These unethical and corrupt Article III federal judges are an embarrassment to America’s judicial system and are blatantly flouting our nation’s antidiscrimination laws in order to preserve the myth of white racial superiority throughout America and the world. Each and every single one of them needs to be IMPEACHED for refusing to uphold their oaths and intentionally violating the Judicial Code of Conduct, as well as the U.S. Constitution!

It’s time to take this case to the Supreme Court!

read my Em. Motion for Reconsideration En Banc, or in the Alternative, Motion to Recall the Mandate Pending the Filing of a Petition for a Writ of Certiorari to the Supreme Court


The Second Circuit rendered its decision on March 11, 2015. I received the Order in the mail on March 17, 2014 and pursuant to Fed. R. App. P. 40, the Motion for Reconsideration was due by March 25, 2014. I actually wrote this 15-page Motion in two days after I decided to scrap the Motion I was working on.

This case was destined to reach the Supreme Court, so I wasn’t too concerned about the decisions of the lower courts because I know for a fact that as a matter of law, I have proven my claims against William Morris, Loeb & Loeb LLP, Michael P. Zweig and others beyond a reasonable doubt.

In the end, it all works out because writing this Motion helped prepare me to write my petition for a writ of certiorari. If the Second Circuit is going to issue another 2 sentence Order falsely saying my appeal “lacks an arguable basis either in law or in fact,” then I asked them to issue their decision no later than April 1, 2015. I think that’s pretty reasonable since they aren’t upholding the law or discussing the facts of the case…or even providing an ethical judicial opinion which is required of an Article III federal judge in a case of this magnitude.

To Clarence and his racist white buddies in black robes on the bench: “I been waiting on [ya’ll] at the do’!” Lmao!!! (shout out to Ms. Foxy!!)

“[Chief Justice John] Roberts’s ‘colorblindness’ bears only a superficial resemblance to the concept as understood by past champions of equal rights, since as applied by the conservative majority on the court the approach has had dire consequences for racial minorities. Since Roberts became chief justice, the high court has struck down school desegregation plans, narrowed affirmative action, crippled the Voting Rights Act, limited the circumstances under which Americans can sue for racial discrimination, and enabled the denial of health insurance to millions of financially struggling people of color. Though the opportunity has not yet presented itself, the conservative movement from which Roberts sprung would see the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Fair Housing Act of 1968 destroyed as well.”

With regards to civil rights related cases, especially those involving the rights of African Americans, it is clear that our judicial system is completely rigged and set up in a way that would ensure that many of the gains made during the civil rights movement, would be eviscerated over time while racism continues to thrive. Smdh.

Source: Adam Serwer. “Sonia Sotomayor: Court’s Right Wing ‘Out Of Touch With Reality.’” msnbc. http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/sonia-sotomayor-slams-supreme-court-right-wing-race-matters.

if an appeal is basically a summary of the legal arguments raised in the lower court, is it possible for the appellate court to conclude that a party’s appeal “lacks an arguable basis either in law or in fact,” if it took the district court judge 26 pages to issue an Order that purposefully ignored the facts of the case and manifestly disregarded the prevailing law?

if the Second Circuit denied my initial appeal with a 2-sentence Order, i’m sure — despite my request to provide an ethical judicial opinion — they’ll try their best to deny this Motion for Reconsideration with one…


“The judiciary’s power comes from its words alone — judges command no army and control no purse. In a democracy, judges have legitimacy only when their words deserve respect, and their words deserve respect only when those who utter them are ethical. Opinion writing is public writing of the highest order; people are affected not only by judicial opinions but also by how they are written. Therefore, judges and the opinions they write — opinions scrutinized by litigants, attorneys, other judges, and the public — are held, and must be held, to high ethical standards. Ethics must constrain every aspect of the judicial opinion.”

The reason they can’t say anything is because I have proven each and every single one of my claims against William Morris, Loeb & Loeb LLP, Michael P. Zweig, Christian Carbone, P. Kevin Castel, Timothy K. Lewis, the American Arbitration Association, the United States of America and others beyond a reasonable doubt. The conspiracy to interfere with the human rights of people of African descent is still on-going. Can’t you see? Who the fuck do these people think they are to deny my appeal without explanation or reason or mention of my claims of “fraud upon the Court”? Jacobs, Swain & Lohier: You are not God nor are you above the law. You three, as well as Chin, Lynch, Hall, Castel, Patterson, and Preska, will be held accountable for your highly unethical and criminal conduct.

Source: Alifya V. Curtin, Gerald Lebovitz & Lisa Solomon. Ethical Judicial Opinion Writing. The Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics. Vol. 21, 237. 2008.

almost near the 9,000 word limit for this petition for a writ of certiorari. off to a great start!! i know the republican appointed justices on the supreme court are not going to like it…and they comprise a 5-4 majority. *kanye shrug* lol.

“If there’s one thing from 2014 that will define President Barack Obama’s legacy after he’s left the White House, it’s the number of lifetime judges he put on the federal bench. In its final act of the year, the Senate blew through a dozen U.S. district court nominees on Tuesday night. That puts Obama at a whopping 89 district court and circuit court confirmations for the year, and means he’ll wrap up his sixth year in office with a grand total of 305 district court and circuit court confirmations — a tally that puts him well beyond where his predecessors were by this point in their presidencies.”

As long as the dominant culture continues to believe in the myth of white superiority, nothing will change. Dichotomies (e.g. black/white, liberal/conservative, Democrat/Republican, etc.) pervade and limit Western man’s thinking. Everything is viewed as opposite and opposing, creating this superior/inferior relationship between things that really have more in common than what meets the human eye.  For most of Obama’s presidency, he has ignored the problem of global white supremacy (racism) and has advanced “colorblind public policies” in our highly race conscious society. As demonstrated by the massive race-based protests occurring throughout the country present day, that strategy was clearly not the solution to the [historical] problems that have plagued this country the day Europe stepped foot on this land. Majority of those federal judges nominated by Obama’s administration will have very similar ideological views to him, particularly on the issue of race and racism. Majority will advance this “post-racial liberalism,” which downplays race and the role racism plays in the allocation of society’s benefits and its burdens. In the end, this is no better than those ideologically conservative, Republican appointed federal judges. These judges will preside in already courts that are already corrupt and overrepresented by whites/”Jews” [“Loretta Biggs will be the first black woman to serve as a district judge in North Carolina.”]. Ultimately, this means that African Americans will CONTINUE to be dealing with the same racial injustices/bullshit, particularly in America’s judicial system, that we’ve dealt with over the last 500 years. Don’t be fooled! In your spare time, research the backgrounds of these judges.

Source: Jennifer Bendery. “The Senate Just Confirmed Obama’s Judicial Legacy.” Huffington Post. December 17, 2014. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/12/17/obama-judicial-nominees_n_6328390.html.

“Accountability for bad appointments can be attributed to the president or governor who selects the judge.”

Source: Geoffrey P. Miller. Bad Judges. 83 Tex. L. Rev. 431, 469. December, 2004.