Tagged: An Empire of Their Own

Is Hollywood dominated by a “JEWISH CABAL”?

No one denies that William Cash’s article about Hollywood Jews was rude. But was it anti-Semitic?

The Spectator, a conservative and irreverent British weekly that published an article by Cash in its Oct. 29 issue on the alleged domination of Hollywood by a “Jewish cabal,” is still feeling the reverberations of the controversy touched off on both sides of the Atlantic.

Fifteen leading Hollywood personalities, including Kevin Costner, Tom Cruise, Kirk Douglas and Barbra Streisand, signed a letter to the Spectator accusing Cash of advancing “anti-Semitic stereotypes” and “racist cant.” Leon Wieseltier, literary editor of the New Republic, wrote to the Spectator’s editor hinting at retribution and said: “You run a filthy magazine.”

In Britain, Michael William-Jones, chief executive of United International Pictures, and Neville Nagler, chief executive of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, are among those who have taken offense.

The Spectator says an unnamed American company has withdrawn its advertising from the magazine, which is owned by Conrad Black, publisher of London’s Daily Telegraph.

Spectator Editor Dominic Lawson, himself a Jew, defends Cash from charges of anti-Semitism and has raised the question of whether the British press is freer than the liberal press in the U.S. He accused The New York Times, Washington Post and Boston Globe of practicing self-censorship on sensitive racial issues.

Cash, 28, Hollywood correspondent of the Daily Telegraph and an occasional contributor to the Spectator, said his offending article was intended as a response to an article in the October issue of Vanity Fair on the so-called New Establishment in the U.S.

The Vanity Fair article pointed out that the old Establishment was predominantly WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant), but did not state that many of the new movers and shakers in the entertainment industry are Jewish.

Cash wrote that Jews traditionally have dominated Hollywood and claimed that a “Jewish cabal” operates to exclude non-Jews from positions in the entertainment industry.

He also wrote that Hollywood Jews are “socially maladroit and culturally nihilist,” referring to their “nylon jogging anoraks, fluffy white socks, digital watches and faded jeans.”

After protest letters began pouring in, Cash apologized in the Spectator for causing offense, saying no anti-Semitism was “intended or felt.” He said the words he used about how Jews always have worked together in the movie business, including the phrase “Jewish cabal,” had been taken from a book by Neal Gabler, “An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood.” But he said Gabler now is leading the attack against him.

Read more of the article here: http://www.forbes.com/sites/richardbusch/2013/03/25/walking-on-the-california-talent-agency-acts-thin-ice-personal-managers-beware/.

This article was written in 1994 — 20 years ago. I bolded the last paragraph because after of learning about Cash’s article a few years ago, I also started using this phrase in my pleadings. I didn’t know that Cash had gotten the phrase from Gabler’s book, which I own. Gabler, I believe, is Jewish. His book was praised after it was released and he’s also written other articles for the New York Times about the issue of racism in Hollywood, so why wasn’t he called “anti-Semitic” like Cash and I?  I have presented a pyramid of evidence to demonstrate that this is a fact, and it hasn’t been sufficiently refuted by William Morris, Loeb & Loeb LLP, Michael P. Zweig, Christian Carbone or any of the other attorneys involved in this case.  I’ll provide a link to Cash’s actual article later.