Tagged: ahead of my time

“There is an inverse relationship between the racial make-up of the decision makers and: (1) the number of actors and entertainers who are least represented on television, film and within the media at large and (2) how the “other” race is portrayed, depicted and/or stereotyped through these powerful mediums of persuasion. Given the consistent bias throughout the media, television and film by those in power who have a clear animus or bias towards non-Whites, this becomes nothing short of special interest propaganda.” — Marcus I. Washington, September 28, 2011.

Reviewing some of the arguments made in my past pleadings — I’m definitely ahead of my time.

Thanks to John W. Cones, Esq.’s “What’s Really Going On In Hollywood?” (http://www.filmreform.org/whats.htm) for helping me have a better understanding of how Hollywood’s discriminatory employment practices help perpetuate the myth of black inferiority and maintain global white/”Jewish” supremacy (racism) throughout society. One of my favorites quotes of his is:

[I]t is  time that this privately controlled culture-promotion machine be dismantled, so that all segments of this nation’s multi-cultural society have an equal opportunity to tell their important cultural stories through this significant medium for the communication of ideas. After all, it is also clear that regardless of who controls  Hollywood and with what results, it is  absolutely inappropriate in our multi-cultural society for any readily identifiable interest group (whether the group identity is  based on ethnicity, culture, religion, class or otherwise) to  be allowed to dominate or control this, or any important communications medium. Diversity is the key.

By the way, John W. Cones, Esq. is not African American. He is a white male. Does that make him racist or “anti-Semitic” for being an advocate of DIVERSITY?