“‘There is no such thing as black power in Hollywood,’ [Tim] Reid states emphatically. ‘What you have are a lot of Blacks with vanity opportunities, but this does not mean they have any real power.’ Reid, who heads his own company and is awaiting the national release of his latest film ‘Once Upon A Time…When We Were Colored,’ believes that things would be a lot better if blacks were, so to speak, taught to fish rather being the recipients of handouts. ‘The studios will give you the money to make a picture,’ he explains, ‘but this does not lead to wealth or empowerment, and the only way we are going to get the kind of power in which we can determine what picture is made and how it’s distributed is through self-reliance. Practicing what he preaches, all of Reid’s movies are partly financed by Black investors and partners such as Black Entertainment Television and boxing promoter, Butch Lewis. ‘Until we are self-sufficient like the late Oscar Micheaux, until we have our own infrastructure, we cannot talk about having any power,’ Reid asserts. ‘We know how to make movies. That’s not the problem. What we need are the theaters, like Magic Johnson is doing, and the distributors. This is the road to economic power…this is how you create wealth.'”

Source: Herb Boyd. “Who Really Has The Power In Hollywood?” The Crisis. pg.10. February-March 1996.

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