“The justices accept about 75 of the 10,000 petitions they get each year. And of that already minuscule fraction, a stunning proportion is argued by an extremely small and well-connected group of lawyers. All of these lawyers — among the top litigators in the country — have argued often before the court and almost all of them work mainly for corporate clients. Many have clerked for the justices, know them personally and socialize with them.”

Glad that I came across this article as I prepare to take this case to the Supreme Court. This disturbing information indicates further that this entire system needs to be abolished.

Source: The Editorial Board. “The Best Lawyers Money Can Buy.” New York Times. December 25, 2014. http://mobile.nytimes.com/2014/12/26/opinion/the-best-lawyers-money-can-buy.html?_r=0.

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