“If there’s one thing from 2014 that will define President Barack Obama’s legacy after he’s left the White House, it’s the number of lifetime judges he put on the federal bench. In its final act of the year, the Senate blew through a dozen U.S. district court nominees on Tuesday night. That puts Obama at a whopping 89 district court and circuit court confirmations for the year, and means he’ll wrap up his sixth year in office with a grand total of 305 district court and circuit court confirmations — a tally that puts him well beyond where his predecessors were by this point in their presidencies.”

As long as the dominant culture continues to believe in the myth of white superiority, nothing will change. Dichotomies (e.g. black/white, liberal/conservative, Democrat/Republican, etc.) pervade and limit Western man’s thinking. Everything is viewed as opposite and opposing, creating this superior/inferior relationship between things that really have more in common than what meets the human eye.  For most of Obama’s presidency, he has ignored the problem of global white supremacy (racism) and has advanced “colorblind public policies” in our highly race conscious society. As demonstrated by the massive race-based protests occurring throughout the country present day, that strategy was clearly not the solution to the [historical] problems that have plagued this country the day Europe stepped foot on this land. Majority of those federal judges nominated by Obama’s administration will have very similar ideological views to him, particularly on the issue of race and racism. Majority will advance this “post-racial liberalism,” which downplays race and the role racism plays in the allocation of society’s benefits and its burdens. In the end, this is no better than those ideologically conservative, Republican appointed federal judges. These judges will preside in already courts that are already corrupt and overrepresented by whites/”Jews” [“Loretta Biggs will be the first black woman to serve as a district judge in North Carolina.”]. Ultimately, this means that African Americans will CONTINUE to be dealing with the same racial injustices/bullshit, particularly in America’s judicial system, that we’ve dealt with over the last 500 years. Don’t be fooled! In your spare time, research the backgrounds of these judges.

Source: Jennifer Bendery. “The Senate Just Confirmed Obama’s Judicial Legacy.” Huffington Post. December 17, 2014. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/12/17/obama-judicial-nominees_n_6328390.html.

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